Part 3. Eating lunch together!

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Komaru's POV:
"Haah puff ha we're now h-here" "ugh i feel like legs are falling apart" as asahina was tured from running with us "w-well we shouldn't be running in the first place!" Toko seem look like very annoyed right now as we get lunch asahina said "OOOOH!! Heart shaped donuts!!" As she drools on excitement as she buys a stack of 10?! Damn that's so much rhat she can eat by herself..

As i looking at toko she smirks for no reasong hmm i winder what she's thinking about...

Toko's POV:
"Ehehe is that all the donut that was came from y-your chest i-is that a-a double milk p-production??" Heh i bet that's the reason why her chest was so h-huge as she looked shocked while getting flushed she imidiately said "N-No! That's not it stop that!!" Ha! She's embarrased a bit let me do it m-more "o-oh i b-bet you double u-up your milk production o-on that ehehe" hehe she's even more embarassed like her face was all flushed "s-stop that fukawa!" As komaru jump in the conversation and said "u-uhm why we don't just have lunch okay ahaha" ugh this chick ruined my mood i was about to make aoi more embarassed! Fuck it as i was buying my lunch komaru stared "wha-what are you looking at?! Your eyes will rot if you stared at me?!" As komaru was shock like i did something wrong..

Komaru's POV:
"N-no not that i was gonna ask you if you want free meal since i had extra money" as i worried smile she looks annoyed again and said "f-fine! Just quit that staring at me!" Ahaha i should not staring at her sometimes oh ah what she would like "uhm hey what do you want from your meal that you've been staring at?" Fukawa was quite a sec and said "uh i don't now s-since im staring at the ja-japanese and western"
"Well what do you want then?" She looked at me angered "j-just wait a minute dammit!" I looked at aoi and she's happily eating her donut's and i look back at toko annoyed and said "i-i'll have c-cup noodles" as i response "are you sure??" "Y-yes i am sure dammit!" Hah s-she's so stubborn😅 "alright then!" As i get her lunch that it's smells good as it is expected on cup noodles as i gave it to her she quickly snatched it and spilled on her hands a"GAH?!" She switch the cup noodle on her opposite hand "o-ouch" "ah fukawa are you ok?! Let's you to the nurse office!" She slaps my hands not hard but slyly smack and said. Aoi was in shock that she slapped my hand but notice fukawa's hands got burn "i-i don't need your help i can do it on my own!" Aoi spoked "komaru was just tryinh yo help fukawa!" I gave her a worried expression "d-don't pity me?!" "Even if you said that i was worried" "u-ugh i can take of it later now let's eat" as she goes to the sink getting her hands wet so the boil can heal and she came back as me and asahina eating while chatting and toko was just there eating quietly doesn't want to talk what happened earlier as we all finish eating we all planning to go to our dorms "hey guys let's go to our dorms now" as we go to our dorms surprisingly a bit far to the cafeteria and i said "goodbye guy's see you later!!" As i waved "Yea! Goodbye!!" I see toko walked away with no response huh she's sure a mysterious girl..

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