Part 10: In the coffee shop

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No one's POV:
It does not take so long it's only just like a 10 minute walk by the coffee shop and when they enter it was like heaven you can smell the coffee aroma and desserts the waiter welcomed them and introduces the coffee shop "welcome to our bookworm's coffee shop!" Toko looks like unimpressed but deep down she really like the coffee shop the aroma of coffee, tea and books was so refreshing and welcoming to her a place like heaven for her. "Please take a seat!

They all take a seat on a comfty single couch asahina and komaru was excoted while their brothers are not in the mood but both of the want to see the books that they have the waiter came back to take their name's so they can label on their cup of coffee, desserts and tea "What's your name ladies and gentlemen?" "Aoi!" "Komaru!" "Makoto! "Yuta! "T-Toko.." The waiter writes their names "okay! You can may now fall in line!" Aoi, yuta and makoto was kind of exhausted by walking and running around left toko and komaru behind "hey komaru and fukawa how bout you both will get our orders" asahina friendly said "Mhm! Yea sure!" Komaru response "So what will you gonna order guy's? Aoi shouts "Donuts!!" Yuta shouts "Me too!!
And makoto wants a cup of joe.
"Alright! Let's go fukawa!" Toko was spaced out komaru shaked slighty shaked toko.

"Fukawa??" Toko instantly back to reality "w-what? Let's go and get our orders!" "O-oh yea s-sure". As they both go to the line waiting the other customers to finish their orders now they are next komaru speak up "uhm may i have a cup of joe, 6 donuts anndd pst hey fukawa what do you want?" "H-huh? Oh nothing" "are you sure? cmon we are here!" Komaru pouts with a annoying sigh of toko "ugh fine i-i'll get rose hip tea" komaru smiled "rose hip tea and 2 slice of strawberry shortcake please!" The cashier shouts "coming right up!" Toko and komaru goes to their sit but komaru had an idea to see the books that they have "hey guys wanna see their books that they have in here!" "Mhm yea sure!" Asahina cheered "how about both of you yuta and makoto?"

"Ah no thanks komaru maybe later" makoto said tiredly "alright" "ima catch up with you all later" yuta said "okay! Let's go toko" komaru grab toko's cold hands as three of them entered oh my god the library was so big that has a 3rd floor "w-wow i-i bet th-the owner was rich!" "Yea it was awsome!" "Hey guys im gonna go to the other alley ok! Im gonna find books about how to bake donuts!" "Oh yea sure!" Komaru and toko two of them are along again together. "Hmm i wonder if there's manga in here" toko looks with komaru in disgust "E-ew y-you like ma-manga?" Komaru looked at toko shockingly and pouts "What's the problem of manga???."

"We-well basically it's soo unrealistic and trash" komaru did the pout face again "oh cmon! You don't have to say that though" toko just chuckled along the way they walk on the crime cases "OOOH! This is interesting crime cases!" "H-hey komaru im g-gonna go the the back of the book shelf"
"Oh? Okay! Come back!" Toko looked around on romance novels she had pick one that looks very interesting she looked around and see some of her books "h-heh i don't k-know my masterpiece was h-here" she proudly said that to herself she goes back where komaru is and "Hey! Fukawa look at this!" "W-what is it??" Toko asked "It was about Genocide jack's crime's!!".

Toko was shock since genocide kack was her alter identity but kept it a secret "o-oh ok i-im not interested" "oh cmon we can read it a bit!" Toko was very annoyed and nervous at that point but said to komaru "N-no! I said i-im n-not interested in this stuff! Komaru brings the book in her backpack she was willing to buy it "hmm if you don't want it how about an exchange"
"Exchange wh-what?" "Let's read manga!"

Toko's POV:

No one's POV:
"O-okay fine! B-but i still think manga is trash!" Komaru was jumping up and down around toko and shouts "YEEEY!" As they both try to find a place to sit they sit on a bean bag komaru drags the book out of her bag and reads it with toko "wh-why her eyes was so b-big its creepy"
Komaru gives a pout fave again on toko "hey! It was for the eyes pf the beuty of anime!" Komaru said kind of angrily "O-oh cmon"

As an hour later they finish the manga komaru was crying about that manga it was about the girl who has a bomb inside her but toko was not in the mood since she disliked the manga so much "WAAH IM SO HAPPY FOR HER!!"
Toko give komaru a annoyed expression "se-seriously you just cried their because of that?"
"Oh come on fukawa" komaru sniffs as she stopped crying and they both go to their friends and aoi was there "im gonna buy this babies to bale donuts!" Makoto, yuta and komaru chuckled "hey let's leave now since it's almost night!" "Yea sure!" Komaru said while smiling komaru, toko and aoi buys the books the bough and as they finished that all 5 of them leave and proceeds to walk to the school "It was awsome!" Yuta said "Hahahaaha! Yea! I agree to my lil bro" komaru smiled "heh! Me too!.
As minutes goes by the have been returned to their school "bye everyone! See ya again!" Komaru and toko goes to their dorm and komaru was so exhausted.

To bd continued!

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