Part 9: Hanging out

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Toko's POV:
"Uhh no.." i actually don't really hang out with these two idiot's and with omaru's stupid brother and asahina's brother too but komaru teased me it's not fun without me "come ooonn fukawa hang out with us for a while would ya!" Tch! "Like i said n-" asahina and komaru grab my hand and both of their brothers were staying outside "H-hey! I said no!" Gaah fuck im stuck with these 4 idiot's "Cmon it would be fun fukawa" asahina insist tch.. I barely had no choice than hanging out with these bunch of idiot's! "Gaaah! Fine!"
Komaru and asahina cheered "YAAY! Now let's go to the park first!" Asahina planned Asahina's brother was excited at some stupid point even both komaru and makoto and i am not in the mood im glad that i take my notebook to when we go there i had free time to write my next novel.

Komaru's POV:
"Cmon Fukawa! Let's go" i snatch her hand as fast as i could and toko was screaming at me to calm down me and my friends excitedly going to the park just to take walks i heard that there's always dog's there i wanna see it!

1 hour later going to the park..

Komaru's POV:
"Finally were here!" Asahina brother said cheerfully and as we walk we saw a fountain and a bench and Oh my god AAWWH SO MANY DOGS I CANT AAAAA!! I look at my friends but toko doesn't seem really excited but i'll try my best to make her the best adventure with others! I saw a cotton candy vender i was craving some sweet a little "hey guys! Wanna get some cotton candy over there" makoto said "yeah! Sure!" But both asahina's decline since they want donut for later hmm i'll asked fukawa what she like on the cotton candy. "Hey fukawa! What do you want from the cotton candy?"
She respond "uhm i don't want to.."
"Oh cmon i'll pay!" I gave her a genuine smile she kinda looked annoyed and said "f-fine i'll get the blueberry one's"
As i nodded i het my strawberry flavored cotton candy and i gave toko her blueberry cotton candy. Makoto looked at me and said "heeey! What about me??" He whined i said "oh cmon you have your own money big bro!" He gave me a pout face "fine!".

As i laughed i wanna sit at the bench right now i said to my friends and my brother "hey wanna sit?" Both asahina's decline since they will play who's gonna be the fastest runner i just laughed hoping they both tie makoto had plans to walk around somewhere else leaving me and toko behind and i kindly said to fukawa "wanna sit?" She responded "uhm y-yeah sure" we both sit at the bench i saw fukawa writing "is that gonna be your latest book?"

Toko's POV:
H-how did she know?! That this will be my latest book I annoyingly said "H-how did you know a-are you a-a stalker or s-something?!" She looked suprised she said "I- n-no! I just see the title t-that's all!" I looked at my book and yea there's a title as i sighed and continue writing komaru was texting on her phone..

A minute pass...

No one's POV:
Both of the asahina's finished racing yuta won the round and makoto came back just by walking around while me and komaru are just sitting here waiting for them over a pass minutes asahina had a plan "hey! Maybe we go to the coffee shop that will work! To rest there!" All of them agree but fukawa will only agree if there's book's in it..

To be continued!..

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