Part 5 thinking of what happened

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Toko's POV:
OK OK ok try to calm down she's just forgot to lock the stupid door... BUT I CANT STILL THINK OF HER HUGE UGGHH CUT THAT OUT ALREADY!! FUKAWA!! I ran on my bed and cover my face on my fluffy pillow and try to think nothing just happened.

Komaru's POV:
I dressed up i only going in my underwear but luckily i have a oversized shirt that was enough to cover my underwear.. huughh it's still embarrassing from what happened earlier i shouldn't not think of that now! Or it might be awkward later as i go to bed! I go to the bathroom sink and pick up my toothpaste and brush my teeth with strawberry flavored toothpaste it taste so sweet that you can eat it! As i finish brushing my teeth i go on our bedroom and act like nothing happened..

I see fukawa laying her bed cover her face on her pillow... i can still sense that she still awake i go to my bed and check on my phone i see a text message from makoto saying what was my roomate i texted back

The text:
Big bro: Hey komaru! Who's your roomate??.

Lil sis: it's fukawa!
Seen 10:20

Big bro: Oh that's good hope you'll get along!

Lil sis: Well about your's who's your roomate?

Big bro: it's byakuya😅

Lil sis: are you both ok?

Big bro: yea we are! But he sometimes said i was annoying ahaha!

Lil sis: Well i hope you both will get along too!

Big bro: ha yea alright time to go to bed sis school is tomorrow!

Lil sis: Yea! Night bro!

Conversation ends..

Komaru's POV:
I still feel fukawa is still awake maybe i should say sorry for what happened since i forgot to lock the door

"Uh hey fukawa are you up?

"H-huh how do you now i was awake?"

"W-well nevermind that!"

"A-are y-you spying on m-me aren't you?!" She whisper shout

"I- no! Im not i was gonna say sorry for what happened earlier.."

"O-oh is that s-s-so i-i still will not accept it!"

"Why not?"

"Y-you forgetto c-close the door and now i see you s-seeing your h-huge boobs!"

"I- hey! Stop that fukawa! It's embarassing!"


" I was just saying sorry though"

"F-fine now go to sleep! We don't wanna be late tomorrow"

"Alright then goodnight!"

Glad that work! Now i turn of the lamp off and fukawa stop me and said

"D-don't turn pf the lamp please"

"Oh ok why though?"

"D-don't ask questions!"

"Alright gee fine still goodnight fukawa!"

Ok i face the ceilling and try to sleep as i... drift my self to sleep...

To be continued!..

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