Part 14- Playing

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Komaru's POV:
I decided to go to the book shelter and see wait-.. THE COMPLETE VOLUME OF THE BOMB INSIDE HER?! SWEET! I WILL READ IT ALL!! But maybe later i wanna play some mario cart with nanami girl.

"Hey may i care to join in nanami?" I questioned since i'm interested to play with her friends.

"Huh? Oh yea sure join in you're luck it has 4 consoles" She said on a sleepy tone.

As nanami grab the console i started to play with them for a while..

30 minutes later..

"Yey! I won this time!" i shouted

Nagito laugh sincerely "ahahahaaha! Lucky for you" nagito failed multiple times because on his bad luck

"Fuck!" Nanami friend shouted by not getting any wins..

"Hey hajime another round?"

Ah so that's the guys name

"Yea sure nanami if not nagito bumping me around.." he said lowly

Nagito just laughs again "ahahhaa! I'm so sorry guess my bad luck was that big of the deal!.."

Ahahaha they're both pretty weird as the game started i hear someone kinda shouting

"Oh please! Fukawa quit stalking me!"

It's togami shouting fukawa i hate that guy attitude since day one as he still continues shouting at fukawa as the others look at both of them.

"Masterr cmon i'll help you!!."

Fukawa was desperate to help togami even it was a dirty work of his he make his task to fukawa

"knock it off!"

Makoto jumps on the fight and try togami to stay calm.

"h-hey you two stop fighting you both should take a break for an minute"

as togami agreed and just walks off and fukawa is just shouting master at him she sure really is inlove with him as makoto suggested to go to me just to have fukawa to have a bond with she did an annoyed face at him like she doesn't want to bond with me but makoto being a good person he is push fukawa to me just to make a bond with her.

"W-well have fun you two!"
And then he walk away trying to talk to byakuya

As me and toko just silently looking while im playing i can't tell anything since it was awkward  but i decided to open my big mouth and talk.

"Hey fukawa are you okay lately?"

"W-well what do you think are you blind from what happened earlier?"

"Uhm n-no?"

And she made that annoyed face again in me but atleast i talk to her. I tried to comfort fukawa for what happened but i'll think of a move and a word to comfort her. I try to touch her head as i do that i pat it she looked at me suprisingly.

"W-w-what are you doing?!"

"Comforting you!"

"Tch! I-i don't need now get off your grubby mits off of me!"

She tried to push my hand but i won't resist till she was comforted as an minute later she gives up and just let me pat her head.

Toko's POV:
Ugh i feel like a dog omaru patting my head for comfort as i trying to get her grubby hands off of me but eventually i got tired by trying to get off her hand.

"Ugh i feel like a dog from what you doing.."

"For what? Fukawa?"

As she giggled and laughed harder from what i said and think it was funny joke..

"Pfftt- hahahahahahahaha! Y-you're funny fukawa but im just comforting you that's all!"
While she was giggling her ass off from what i said but she's pretty kinda cu- wait what the fuck what im thinking she's was some stupid idiot with a big dumb ass smile on her face y-yeah that's right!

Omaru ask to if she can leave for a moment to play something hah i knew it she will leave and will leave me here alone but i'll try if she come back.

Komaru's POV:
Hmm i'll gonna give fukawa a cute prize so she could forgive me hmm oh yea! She might like a fountain pen! As from a literary girl but luckily for me there's a key machine there which is hard to get since the fountain pen was on the top but i'll try!

6 minutes later..


As i attempt a 7th try.. Focus komaru


Finally i get it! It was really hard to get but it was really worth it!! I ran towards the V.I.P room and see fukawa looking at the book shelf i ran towards her and i yell..


She looked at me really shocked since i'm running fast.


"GYAAH!! Oghh!"

I fell on the floor...


"O-omaru a-are you okay?!"

I get up and my cheek was so hurt

"Ouch ouch ye-yea ahahahah!"
She gave an sour expression as always..

"H-hmp ok just making su-sure"

Toko's POV:
I-ive never really cared at someone before?! What the fuck?! Wht the fuck i said that to her! It's not like she's my friend or anything?!

"I-it's 7:00pm right now.. i should go back to our dorm.."

"Are you sure you might don't wanna be alone?"


"Hmm.. i will go with you! Since i will go to the dorms too im really tired!"

Tch! She will go with me oh cmon i want to be alone not to be cling with this bitch?! But whatever!..

Komaru's POV:
Me and fukawa will go to our dorms since we are tired

"hey guys i will go back to our dorms byeee!"

Asahina wave so energetic as usual and makoto and sayaka too as i walked away with a smile on my face with fukawa.

"Let's go fukawa!"
As fukawa began to walk away

"Y-yea now hurry u-up!"
She's so fast?!

"H-hey! Wait up fukawaaaa!!"

This is really bad but WHATEVER SJSDEKDJSJ

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