Part 13: Going to the Arcade!

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Komaru's POV:
Fukawa and i waiting for our other fellow classmates in the school gate we just wait their for a minute by now as fukawa kinda starting to look irritated. For waiting for them.. i started to chat makoto..


Big bro: Oh were actually waiting from you two guys...

Lil sis: We're on the gate right now..

Big bro: Ahahahah! We will get there wait a minute sis!

Lil sis: Alright big bro!.

Fukawa sees me texting from my brother and she said something quite shocking.

"Heh i knew it you're talking with your b-brother complex!."

"Wh- i don't have a brother complex fukawa!!"

"Pshh! Yea r-right"

As i see the corner pf my eye i see my big bro and his other fellow friends..

"Finally! We've been waiting!!"

Makoto just laughs and byakuya just scoffs rudely at me as he speaks.

"Now shall we go now or what?!"

Makoto try to calm byakuya down

"Hey hey theres no need to get mad now lets go!"

I see toko just drooling over him pfttt it's kinda funny to see while me and asahina can't wait to see the V.I.P room in the arcade! As so the other's. Someone tap me on the shoulder and it was SAYAKAA!!

"Hello! Are you makoto's younger sister?"


Crap why did my voice got loud!..

"Ah! Finally we can talk right now ehahaha!"

Makoto joined in to our conversation while we are walking.

"Hey! Sayaka did you know komaru likes your songs!"

"M-makoto don't say that! Cmon!!"

Sayaka just laugh softly

"Pft ahaha! That's ok! Atleast i made a new friend!!

"Ahahah im very glad to hear that!"

"Yea komaru was a fan since day one"

"Stop it!!"

Other's just laugh while fukawa, byakuya and kirigiri was jusr in silence.

"Ok we're here!" Makoto shouted

"Ah i can't wait! To see!"
Asahina and sayaka was in sync

Leon shouted

Sayaka hold my hand and said
"Let's go!!"

I nodded and i shouted to fukawa and asahina

"Hey! Fukawa, asahina let's go!"

Asahina catch up

While fukawa was with byakuya walking she sure had a huge crush on him ahahah! As we all arrived in the place we we're welcomed by and man it looks like every gamer place dream this!

Byakuya scoffs and said

"Hello may i get the 18 V.I.P card room please"

"Ok may i ger your cash or card sir"

Byakuya swiftly gets his debit card on his wallet and gave it to the cashier

"Here you go sir! I'll be right back to get the cards!"

"Alright alright! Hurry up please!"

As we all wait to the counter but i kinda wander off of the arcade and see a cute plushy (ehem monokuma plushy) as go their asahina, sayaka and makoto joined in i was trying to get this cute plushy the one who has a heart shape on the middle.


I did it in the second time it falls and in the third time i get it!

"HAH! third time is a charm!"
Asahina shouted

"I'm impressed"
Makoto cheered

"Nice one komaru!"
Sayaka was amazed

As the look back at the counter and see the lady who brought all the cards.

"We should go back to the counter guys!"

"Alright! But maybe later i'm gonna get the buff bear one's and gave it to sakura!"

Asahina was determined to get the plush..

"Alright plebians get your cards"

As i get our card it was on blue color and has an expiration date on it well alright we can go to the V.I.P room. Asahina walks up on us and she shows the buff monokuma Pftt it was soo funny and cute at the same time!

"Look sakura i get it just for you!!"

Sakura smiles warmly to her and claim it.

"Thanks aoi"

Awww their friendship was so wholesome and cute

As all of my classmates was on the V.I.P room and WHOAA it was cool theres bean bag a stack of manga's and books and some board and card games! As we all see there's 3 guys sitting there

"Oh hello nice to meet you all"
A sleepy voice said

"I'm chiaki nanami nice to meet you all in the V.I.P room"

Owada screamed

Taka shouted

"Oh wait a despairingly board games was boringggg.."
Junko kinda complained

"Oh don't get mad at the board games you should play it"

"Uhm who the fuck are you?"

"Oh i'm nagito komaeda nice too meet you ultimate fashionista"
He smirked

"Oh shut up!"

Ikusaba was just their accompanying her sister side

"I'll make your mouth shut if you didn't shut it!"
She angrily growled

"My my-"

"Shut it nagito"

He was all muffled by his friend as the all the others just wandered off the room

"Oh please just shut all up already pleabians and let's play"

As the others play me, makoto, asahina and sayaka we're playing truth or dare..

To be continued!

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