Part 8: class (re do :P)

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Komaru's POV:
It's really been an hour since all the classes was done and i got bored so easily while the teacher learning about the basic's to use our ultimate as special i cannot help but i stare at fukawa she staring at someone too.. Oh that's makoto's roomate i can rarely see makoto is trying to pay attention on the lessons and still toko can't get her eyes off that guy.. hmm oh maybe she had a crush on him cool though

As an hour pass the final subject was over and now we can go to our dorms just to rest and do our homework or hang out but as i thought of that i remember i was in the cleaners list along with fukawa oh that's nice me and toko we will clean together and the others inside the classroom i started to get the broom.. and someone tapped my shoulder it was fukawa. " oh hey fukawa what's up?.."

Toko's POV:
Ugh she give that warm smile again "uuh h-hey i-im actually allergic to d-dust so omaru if you mind i will le-leave a bit i will mop the floors if you're d-done." She gave me a thumbs uo and said "Ok! We should really get clean the classroom now!" And i was off the classroom to get a mop as i get the mop i got back komaru was already done cleaning "phew! Now it's your turn fuka- WAH!!" Leon accidentally hit the mop bucket and it splashes both of us kiyotaka was running on the hallway to stop leon from escaping "WERE NOT STILL FINISH YET CLEANING KUWATA!" Ugh I accidentally fall on the ground but somehow it was fluffy as i searching my glasses i feel i hold someone's neck wait.. This this is OMARU?! "Fu-fukawa!" I get back up immediately my face was heated at that moment even so omaru too! "I-im so sorry!! Fukawa!" "Tch! Now were both wet thanks to fucking leon" i walked off the classroom i have my backpack and so komaru too we go to the girls changing room and just changed there as we both finish i kinda gave her a death stare "u-uhm are you o-ok fukawa??" "O-of course! Im fine i just wanna forget that memory now let's go to our d-dorm!" We both go to our dorm pretending nothing happened..

Komaru's POV:
Waah i can't believe fukawa accidentally slipped and fall onto my chest this so embarrassing i'll try nothing happened im gonna try to read manga yeah! That will work!..

An hour pass of komaru reading the bomb inside her.

Aaah finally it was soo relaxing wait huh? It's still 4:30 ughhh i have nothing to do besides studying *knock knock* i heard a knock on our dorm fukawa was there studying i get up on my chair and i see asahina there "oh hey asahina what's up?" I asked "nothing i wonder if we can hang out with my brother and fukawa too!" Yes finally something better to do "Oh Yea yes sure! Hey fukawa come with us!"

To be continued!

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