Part 4. On The dorms

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Toko's POV:
I walked away without waving nor saying goodbye to omaru and to big breasted swimmer girl... They'll probably will hate me soon like everyone else from the society i soon leave my thoughts on my head and go to my dorm and i looked at my dorm number it's 2160 as i going to touch the door knob someone was running i focuses my eyes it was... OMARU?! And she checks on the other dorm beside me and i sneakily check aaanndd we are roomates... tch my life can get any worse i look at her and she was immensely happy with her stupid idiotic smile across her face and she shout "WE'RE ROOMATES FUKAWA!!!" And she hugged me so quick i felt my face going hot..

Komaru's POV:
I hugged toko i was super happy that we're roomates and as i looked at her she's blushing and stuttering "H-Hey! Q-q-quit that!" She pushed me away as i say sorry and i just stood their and gigled she is still blushing huh does she had a fever "hey fukawa do you have a fever?" I touch her forehead and her face was like a tomato she shout "i-i said quit it! I d-don't have a fever idiot!" Still not quite sure but i'll trust her if she doesn't have a fever as i say to her "we should get to our dorms now ahaha!" She response with "tch.." quitely as we walked in to our dorms and there's our boxes that was full of our stuff and fukawa was holding her box and i asked "want me to help you fukawa? I can help our stuff in place so you wouldn't be tired!"

Toko's POV:
Grk! I hate this chick already... im trying to keep my calm i said "d-do whatever y-y-you want" she smiled like a child it was like you gave her a candy and kid face will lit up she get's one of my stuff and questioned "hey fukawa where should i put it?" Ah i thought it was something stupid "u-uh over there"
"Alright im gonna put them here ok!"
What a child...

An hour later of finishing their stuff...

Komaru's POV:
"Gah! where's my manga's!" I looked every boxes and some of them are misplaced from the other boxes i count them all and it was complete "phew! All done!" Toko sees my manga and she looks kind of disgusted and said "e-ew manga's" i was shocked she said that! "H-hey don't make fun of my manga's!" I gave her a pout face while she's stood there looking digusted at my manga's and walks away shaking her head going to our room. As i putting my manga on my desk i see some scissors on toko's desk and put i back on her place... huh this is so sharp i test it out on my finger and "ouch!" My finger started to bleed a bit i put the scissor back and place i go to our room and i asked to fulawa "hey! fukawa do you have bandaid?"
"Y-yes i-i have why?" "Uhm well i test your scissors and i got accidently cut myself" her expressions was shock or worried?... And she grabs her bag beside her and get's the bandaid without saying a word "Thank you?"
I walked away going to my desk to read my manga that i bought.

To be continued!...

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