Part 17: Waking up

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Komaru's POV:

"Hngg- h-huh?"
I looked at the clock and it was 6am still early to have time to prepare myself to the classroom fukawa was still sleeping i'll manage to wake her up..

"Psst-.. Hey fukawa we have class today get up.."

I whispered she response with a groaned

"Nghh- wait.. i'll get up later.."

"Oh cmon wake up and take a shower!!"

"No! Anything but shower"

I pull her feet just to make her wale up and she will take a shower because she was veen stink quite a few days..

"Cmon fukawa! You've been stink for a day you don't want to stink that bad don't you?"

"N-no! Stop pulling off my feet"

"No i won't until you go shower!"

"Ngaahhh Fine!"

Fukawa get up with a bad mood on her face as she goes to the bathroom..

I glued on my phone a while just to check if makoto and my ther classmates was all active in the group chat but i wonder why fukawa doesn't want to join the group chat..

4 minutes later..

I see fukawa got out of the bathroom covered in towel but i still smell the aroma of her..

"Fukawaaa did you wash properly?"
I concerned

"Y-yes i am?!"

Ugh fukawa you're lying i can still smell the aroma here..

"You're lying i can smell you from here.."

"Oh cmon a-atleast i showered?!"

Ive got an idea!

"Oh i got an idea why won't we take a shower together?"

Toko's POV:

"W-what the fuck omaru you pervert!"

She was shocked and just instantly said..

"I-im not a pervert i promise i just want to be clean o-okay!"

"No yo-you're not i-im sure that y-your are lusting o-on my body?!"

I see her blush around her face but she said again..

"N-no! Im not kind of that person fukawa! I promise i will just only wash your hair that's all! Now come on before we will be late!"

I suddenly feel a grab on ny hand and komaru forcefully grab my hand to go to the bathroom i tried to get away but no choice i got locked..

"Oh cmon fukawa it's just a harmless shampoo it won't hurt you now go to the shower and i'll come with you!

I blushed so hard that she can notice

"F-fine! i have no other choice.. b-because you're guarding the damn door!"

As a minute later i could hear a clothes dropping.. i-i can't believe this! S-she will see my hideous b-body.. Ughh i hate myself f-or this k-kind os s-shits! I drowned over my thoughts as i feel a tap on my shoulder i looked around and komaru said..

"Alright i will clean your hair now"

I looked away so fast that i almost see k-komaru's uhm ch-chest i feel a heat on my cheeks. As komaru massages my hair..

"See it was harmless i told you!"

As she got kinda closer she bumps on me as i felt her chest o-on my back..

"D-Don't get that too close!"
I hissed

"O-oh sorry! My bad!"
And she continuesto massages my hair with shampoo gel..

Komaru's POV:
Finally fukawa agrees to make her smell good and fresh i was saddened by her scar around her thighs i can rarely see it on the side weird symbols? Let me ask her..

"Hey fukawa why do you have scars on you thighs?"

"N-nothing! Nothing at all!"
She replied quick hmm that's supicious enough

"Are you harming yourself??"

"N-NO! N-not like t-that at all!"

I was worried and curious and the same time but I'm not that stupid if that's a scar it would have a bruise on it but it was a scratch or been cut through out an sharp object..

"If there's anything coming up on your mind let me know fukawa just don't hurt yourself okay?"

I comforted her but she stays silent for a moment as a finish her hair

"All done! Now you smell now nice and fresh!"

"O-oh shut up omaru.."

"Now go take the soap and wash yourself okay?"

I could hear her angry groan

"Grrrh.. I-i know that im n-nit an idiot omaruuu!"

Ahahaha whoops..

"Ahahah sorry fukawa! I'll start to take a shower now too.."

10 minutes later..

Fukawa and i just finished showered! Phew glad to smell me and fukawa getting fresh as i grab a towel for and fukawa..

"Hey fukawa here's your towel.."

She grabs it quickly and just speed off without a word i shrugged it off and i go to the bathroom counter and brush my teeth there..

5 minute later..

AAaahh finally i wore my newly fresh uniform out of the laundry now i pook good now and feeling fresh! I can see fukawa getting her stiff on her bag and i was i too!

"Hey fukawa let's go to our class we don't want to be late aren't we?

"A-alright! Just wait a-a damn minute?!"

As she finish packing her bag i open the door and we walked into our class..

To be continued!..

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