Part 12: Fukawa noticed the book

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No one's POV:
The alarm rings again and again until toko was annoyed by the sounds many times that she wakes up and smack their alarm clock toko get's her glasses and adjusted it as now she can see she can sew that komaru had a book on her face toko wanted to look closer what was on the book and she was shockingly stunned. It was a book of genocide jack case.

Toko's POV:
W-what the! Why the h-hell she get this at i think and think where she get that at the library? At others desk? Or at the coffee shop..

Toko has a flashback
"Hey! Fukawa look at this!"
"W-what is it??"
Toko asked "It was about Genocide jack's crime's!!".

Shit! It was on the coffee shop i knew it! I-if she fi-finds my another alter sh-she might arrest me?! I need a plan just not being too suspicious to her.

No one's POV:
Komaru suddenly wakes up as she yawn and she wants too see toko but komaru was facing toko as komaru panicked in her thoughts while toko was blushing

Komaru's POV;
"I- Uh Goodmorning fukawa!! What is it??" I speak to fast that i think she didn't know a thing what i just said she barely panicking and shouts "N-NOTHING!!" As we stared awkwardly at eachother and she goes to her bed slowly and awkwardly as i remember that my book of genocide jack case was on my head i look on my bed and i see the book was on the ground. I will finish it in the afternoon i got a notification on my phone i reach it and makoto texted me..

Big bro: Hey! Komaru wanna hang out with my friends?
Lil sis: Sure! But i'm kinda busy a bit

Big bro: Well my friend sayaka was there and the others we're going to the arcade to play!


Big bro: Nice! Byakuya will all buy us VIP ticket where we go to the room in private for all of our friends that has all the games there that we can play!

Lil sis: That's awsome for byakuya! Though i'll invite toko too!

Big bro: Yea sure! But i wish toko will not kinda stalk byakuya since byakuya was always talk how he hated toko poor toko😅.

Lil sis: hahaha! I kinda know he had a big crush on him i even see her stalking byakuya on the internet😅

Big bro: oh that's fine aswell it's not weird or anything i'm gonna go out komaru see ya later!

Lil sis: See ya bro!

Oh man i can't wait to go in there i'll gonna ask fukawa that she will come
"Hey fukawa!" I shouted even we were close "Don't shout! Ugh.. what is it?"
"Wanna come to the arcade byakuya will gave us VIP card" she looked happy and shock at the same time that she shouted "Ma-Master?! Ok i'll go as long  as master was there heheh." She really is inlove with him ahaha.. i go to the bathroom to take a shower for an hour to get clean..

1 hour later brought to you by despair

I finally finished getting dress my shorts was now kinda short because i kinda getting taller that makoto and i wear a crop top, jacket and a long pait of long socks and a rubber shoes i go to our roon and i saw fukawa dressing up "are you now ready fukawa? Have you taken a shower?" Fukawa furiously said "O-Of course i am i take a shower yesterday!" Well i think that's obviously a lie but eh "Alright let's go!!" I grab my bag that has all my valuables and me and fukawa will meet our friends at the school gate..

To be continued!..
Hello sorry for not being around lately because i gave bunch of school work to do just to be able to be on section 1 on the class but i'll make sure to make an another story if im not busy! Thank you for reading

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