Part 15 - thinking what's the perfect day to give it

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Komaru's POV:
Fukawa and I are walking on the streets going to our school dorm it was awkward and all but hey! Think positive what is it now it was almost march (just imagine it was almost march😅) hmm maybe i will give to fukawa the fountain pen at her birthday what is it her birthday again??.

Oh yea! It was march 3rd! Oh boy i can't wait!! to celebrated her birthday!
But it was still february 20 almost her birthday.. I'll started to imagine things up just being clueless self.. i looked at fukawa and we're almost at the school gate as i looked back at fukawa again and ask...

"Hey fukawa do you have a plan on your birthday?"

"Oh u-uh what is it again?"

"If you have plans on your birthday!"

"O-oh no actually"

"But whyyy???"
Komaru whined

"I never celebrate my birthday.."

"Wait not even as a kid?"

Komaru looked at her frowning and slighty irritated..

"Ughh why did you remind me of this!.."

"S-sorry just asking.."

As we're now on the school gate going to the dorm i am slighty hungry i want to grab a bite i will order through online.. hmm oh i'll ask fukawa too!

"Hey fukawa."

"Ughh what is it again what do you want?.."

" G-geez i was tryig to ask want do you want to order..."

"Order what?"

"Order some food that's all! I'm kinda bit hungry ehehehe.."

"No i will not eat i-im on ta diet.."

"Oh cmon fukawa you need to eat!"

"W-why do you care about it?!"

"W-well this is embarrasing but you barely sometimes eat and i can barely see your shirt that you're skinny.."
Komaru frowned..

"W-what is it ugly my body was ugly?!"

"N-No! Of course not! I'm just worried!"

"Tch why'd you care.."

"F-fine i'll order for you.."

I starting to get worried for fukawa since she i can see she didn't eat in days and i can barely see her body was skinny and slim not i was judging or anything just worried.. Oh well i'll order for her..

No one's POV:
They both are now on the dorms as komaru was waiting on the order komaru was thoughful of toko so of course she ordered that she thinks toko likes it was a rose hip tea and she ordered herself a salmon sushi, tokoyaki and a salad aswell as toko too..

"Hey fukawa i'll be back for a sec i'll be waiting the driver on the school gate.."

"Huh? Oh s-sire whatever.."

As komaru walked of going to the school gate

To be continued!..

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