Meeting with the Mistress

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Dream POV

"Don't touch him"

Those words rung through my head as the blade on my neck was penetrating my skin. That voice, deep and commanding...was so familiar. I've heard it before. Somewhere.

My thoughts were cut short by the pain shooting from my neck. I lowered and dropped my axe to the ground and put my hands up. As much as I wanna turn around and hack whoever it is I'm not in the state to. So I'll lul them into a false sense of security.

"Tubbo, teem em ta sznup rewot ni net setunim"the voice spoke again. What the hell did they say?  Tubbo seemed shocked to the core, widening his eyes and scrambling to get up. I dont know what she said but he eventually nodded and ran away. Once Tubbo had sprinted out of the forest, she lowered her sword and pushed me to the ground harshly.

"Don't even think of going after him" they threatened in a monotone voice. I picked at the area where they cut my neck. I looked up at them. They were wearing a long dark cloak with a hint of purple. I tried to speak, but I didn't know what to say at first. But I got up regardless.

"Who are you? And why are you interfering with someone else's matters" I finally said getting up. My voice was raspy and a bit broken from all the yelling.

That was when I finally got a good look at her face well, most of her face. Half of her face was covered by her seemingly long dark brown hair which almost looked black. There were freckles sprinkled over the space between her eyes and nose. Her crimson red eyes were deadly yet, weirdly mesmerising.

"Done staring yet?" she said tilting her head in a mocking way. I glanced at my axe that was laying next to her. She must've noticed because she quickly slid it behind her with her foot.

"Nono, don't want you making rash decisions now, can we?" she teased. If I can get my axe I can kill her. But judging by her overall demeanor this won't be easy.

"Why are you so quiet? I don't think I cut your throat that deep." she asked nonchalantly. She must be real confident facing against me like this.

"Or is it because you're afraid of me?" those words really caught my attention. Who is this random assassin wannabe. She stepped into the sunlight giving me a better chance to see her fully.

That's when I realized something.  There was an amethyst skull shaped clip on her cloak. Only one person has something as rare as that. She looked undoubtedly like the infamous killer in the name of 'Mistress of Massacre' known for killing entire royalties and rulers of corrupted kingdoms. Many were led to believe she was an anarchist.

Surviving guards or people living in the castles would say that she would show mercy to the children and the innocents of the royal family. Villagers who have claimed to see her would descibe her as having red eyes, wearing a long dark cloak with a purple shiny gem as a pin. Of course it might be a copycat, but I doubt they could obtain the pendant.

If it's the real one that's even better. I will rip her apart after what she did to the one I ever loved.

Realizing my current state and her unknown coldness towards me I had only one thing I could do.

"SAMSUNG REFRIGERATOR" I shrieked with all the vocals I had. She looked mildly confused, but quickly fixed her posture and continued to glare at me.

"Was that supposed to be a sign-" she was quickly cut off by both George and Sapnap jumping out of the trees and standing beside me swords up. They saw my defenseless self and handed me a backup sword.

"Ah, it was" she stated raising her sword. They looked confused but a second later eyes widened with shock. Guess they noticed too.

"Why are you infront of one of the most infamous serial killers in the area?" George whisper shouted.

"I had Tubbo cornered and she snuck up on me" I replied keeping my eyes on her.

"What?!" Sapnap shouted looking over to me. She looked at all of us and chuckled. Making us look at her.

"This must be the famous Dream Team I keep hearing around this area." she opened her arms, making us raise our swords at her.

"Woah woah, I don't come seeking blood, not anymore anyways" she laughed, horribly forcefully.

"Then what do you want?" I say in a stern tone. The question came back. Why did she defend Tubbo? There has to be a reason. Maybe she was hired by Wilbur? No, he was set on solving this war 'diplomatically'.

"I just wanted to meet the Dream Team and..tell them something that's all." she replied sheathing her sword. We watched her movements carefully.

"And what's that?" Sapnap spat at her, not lowering his guard. She simply smirked and her eyes started to glow.

"If you hurt Tubbo or any of his friends I will personally dismember you" she said in a cold emotionless voice. She blinked and her eyes turned back to normal. All of us were so taken back and frozen in place by her words. Seeing this she hummed and started to walk away, but stopped.

"Oh and also... hiding behind a mask? How pathetic off you Dream."

OoOoOoOo~ I wonder how she knows tubbo~

Anyways her backstory just got spilled. But is that it? Do you think her reason for massacre was her mother? Or was it something else?

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