Flower Field Plans

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'It's not too late'

I made my way to the community house, where Sapnap said he was. Better get there quick. I reached the edge of the forest and walked along the wooden path, eventually making it to the first house we made on this server. I saw Sapnap and George standing there talking, probably arguing again. They saw me and ran over to me.

"Dude, where the hell were you?!" Sapnap almost shouted at me. Who knew he could get so worked up about this.

"Calm down, I was just in the forest outside the enemy base. Their newest member was marking the trees." I explained, leaving out a few parts.

"You don't have to spy them, we could literally walk in there and kill them if we wanted to." he replied. George seemed to have noticed something and walked over to me.

"Why do you smell like... flowers?" George asked sniffing me. This is weird, but I've seen weirder.

"I found a flower field nearby. It was peacaful and nice. So I took a nap there." Even though that's not what happened, it wasn't a lie. There was a nice opening in the forest where alot of flowers have grown. Ranging from crimson all the way to violet purple colors. It's a real shame George can't see them.

"Alright then" George shrugged off. Sapnap seemed to have had an idea.

"Hey, why don't we go there and chill out for a bit." he asked us. It was probably a way to tell if I was lying or not, also because we were quite tired from all the havoc.

"Sure, I'd love to. Dream?" George glanced at me. Eh, might as well.

"Yeah. Let's take a break and just relax. How about tomorrow?" I asked as it was already noon.

"Works for me. I have to meet up with Bad and Skeppy in a bit." he replied. George just nodded.

"And I have to get some netherite." George said taking out his pickaxe.

"Then it's settled. I'll see you guys later" I waved them goodbye and they waved back. I wonder when I can see her again.

Elaine POV

He's still the egotistic bastard I love. I reached the walls of L'manburg. I had chatted them saying I was gonna get used to the surroundings. That didn't really go as planned.

"Hey Elaine!" Fundy greeted me. He looked more energetic and awake. That's good.

"Hello there, sleep well?" I asked entering the gate. I was in a good mood from what just happened so I felt talkative.

"Yes, thanks to you" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"It's no problem. You should really rest well. I'll guard the gates during the night." I suggested. He agreed, knowing I would argue with him if he turned down my offer.

"Just the person I was looking for" I looked ahead and saw Wilbur. I swear this guy just appears out of nowhere.

"Heeeyyyyy Wiiiill" I awkwardly said. He just looked at me with the most unamused look and sighed.

"Where were you?" he blurted out. I can't tell him yet. He would be fuming.

"As I said I was marking the trees around this area, incase someone gets lost in there." I answered. He was still unconvinced.

"It took you a full 5 hours to do that?" he crossed his arms, doubting my alibi.

"I stumbled across this field with alot of flowers and bees. The weather was sunny, so I fell asleep under a tree." I quickly answered again. He was somewhat reluctant in believing me.

"If you say so" he muttered, very skeptically. Well, that was quick. I turned back to Fundy, who just zoned out on the conversation. I snapped my fingers in front of his face a few times, but he was in there deep. I skipped my way to Tubbo's room, because why the hell not.

"BIG E" a high pitched voice screeched behind me. I snapped my head towards the voice and surprise, surprise it's the child. He would just scream again if I ignore him so I skipped over to him.

"Why are you skipping, that's so childish" he added. This toddler minded dumbass really said that huh.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked him in a low voice, unsheathing my sword. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"Nonono, sorry sorry sorry" he quickly apologised.

"Anyways, what do you want child?" I said in a fake annoyed tone. He started to scream profanities and such at me.

"I don't know why you're fighting it. Everyone with a clear conscience would agree with me." I simply replied. He glared daggers at me. That's cute.

"You should know woman. That Tommyinnit is a big strong man and he gets all the women." he proudly stated, putting his fists on his waist. I laughed at his stupidity. He has not grown a second older than from four years ago.

"Surely, a big strong man like you has a girlfriend right?" I smirked, knowing I had already won the argument. He went dead silent after that, opening his mouth to argue but stammered over his words. I laughed harder.

"To any girl who meets you that intends to be in a relationship, all you provide them is the information that their standards have dropped" I wheezed and clutched my stomach. He covered his face in embarassment or maybe shame.

"What's going on here?" Tubbo asked from beside us. There he is.

"The woman is being annoying" he aswered crossing his arms. I chuckled at the excuse.

"I was bullying Tommy about not having a girlfriend, even though he claims to be a 'big and strong man'" I put air quotes around his statements making Tubbo laugh loudly. Tommy denied it.

"What's all the ruckus here?" Wilbur asked joining us. Me and Tubbo were on the ground for laughing so hard.

"Wiiiiil, the woman and Tubbo are bullying meee" he whined. Wilbur just looked at us and then at Tommy.

"Let me guess, she made fun of you for not being a big strong man?" he grinned making Tommy even more pissed off. Tubbo got up.

"Those were her exact words!" Tubbo exclaimed making us all burst into laughter. Even Tommy was cracking. When we calmed down a little, Wil cleared his throat.

"I was thinking, everyone is most definitely worked up over the whole war. Why not step back a little?" he asked, his accent thickening.

"Yea that would be nice. What do you have in mind, sir?" Tubbo agreed. I think I know where this is going.

"I was thinking maybe we take a trip to a flower field nearby, that Elaine found." he smiled, confirming my suspicions. Tubbo gasped.

"Were there bees?! I would love to go!" he beamed. Wilbur looked at me and I just nodded. We all stared at Tommy waiting for his answer.

"Fine but I still haven't forgiven you!" he pointed at me.

"Sure whatever, child" I answered atempting to ruffle his hair but failing because of my height. He snickered and bent down.

"Jeez you're so short woman" he said. I didn't feel like hearing him scream again so I just need a comeback to shut him up.

"At least I don't have to bend down everytime I go through a doorway" I shot back. He scoffed at me.

"Whatever, small E" he replied. I just laughed it off with the rest of the group.

'I missed this family'


There's more wholesome moments for ya. Stay tuned for the next part! Also Thank You So Much for almost 100 reads. It is absolutely astonishing that so many people are interested in this. So from the bottom, top and the sides of my heart i thank you all. I will upload daily chapters and updates if I can.

Tysm for all the support. Baiii

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