Getting Along

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I cannot wait to see his face when I tell him

The next day. Elaine POV

"Dad, please! Don't do this!" I yelled trying to get out of their grasp. He just stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way." he quietly stated, a single tear rolling down his face. I was bawling my eyes out.

"Stop struggling kid, we don't want to immobilize you" one of the guards said coldly. I kept struggling as they took me away. I could see Tubbo running at me, but was quickly kicked back by the other guard.

"Get away!" he threatened. Tubbo cluthched his stomach, crying.

"Please! Let her go! Elaine" he desperately begged. The guard kicked him again.

"Shut it!" he remarked loudly. He is going to hurt him more if I don't do anything.

"STOP! I'll go with you! Just don't hurt him please.." My voice faded near the end. The guard glanced at the head guard. He nodded.

"NO ELAINE" he yelled at the top of his lungs. I knew i wasn't going to see him anytime soon.

"Let me talk to him. We're never going to see each other again, so please let me speak to him one last time." I choked out to the head guard. He thought about it for a while then motioned the two to get off of me. They did as told and I ran to Tubbo. He was on his knees. I put my hands on his shoulder and looked into his tear filled eyes.

"Tubbo, listen close. I may never come back again.." I trailed off in the end and clutched his shoulder.

"But promise me to always stay strong and do what's best for you" I was still sobbing. We hugged tight as I smiled cherishing the possibly last moment I will have with my brother. The guards came and pulled me up.

"I promise." Tubbo said getting up. I gave him a weak smile and he tried to smile back.

"I love you, Tubbo" I said to him and walked towards the guards. He continued to yell and fall to his knees again. Dad if I could even call him that, was already gone.

"I love you too Elaine!"

I jolted awake. Just a dream. A very horrible one.
I looked around my surroundings and realized I was on the top of a hill. When I tried to get up, something was tugging me down. I looked down only to be met with a sleepy Dream. He groaned.

"Don't leave me" he groggily mumbled making me laugh. Right we fell asleep here last night. I guess everyone left us here.

"We have to wake up Dream, it's already morning" I reasoned. He wasn't responding.

"Sapnap and George are probably worried for you" I added.

"They can wait." he simply replied. I got my communicator and replied to a few messages saying we were okay. Then I got to Tommy.

Big E

It was spam for a while but then something caught my attention.

I have news
Techno and
To meet you
They said
They were coming over
Come back
If you don't come they will thnik Im prankign them

I read through the message and wondered if I was still dreaming or not. After pinching myself a few times I realized it was real. Oh my god. Phil and Techno are coming over.
Emotions were mixed but most were happy. I pumped my fists in excitement making Dream grumble.

"Dream, get up" I demanded. He didn't move and huffed in annoyance.

"I don't want to" so annoyingly stubborn. I sighed.

"Well you're gonna have to. Phil and Techno are coming over." I deadpanned. His head shot up and looked at me in astonishment.

"What?!" he exclaimed, getting off of me. That's one way to get him up.

"Tommy told me. And I have a feeling that he's the one who called them over." I explained to him and stood up.

"I got up from that perfectly good nap to know that two people who would kill for you is coming-Wait" he cut himself off and stood up. I hummed in confusion. His eyes widened.

"What do we tell them about us?" he asked me. I brushed dirt from my clothes and turned to look at him.

"Guess we have to tell them. We can't keep it a secret from them. They will find out eventually" I replied. His expression softened to a worried look. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, they will like you. They know I wouldn't make the wrong decision when it comes to the people I love." I assured him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"But what if they don't like me? I'm already rivals with Techno and I don't even know anything about Phil." he rambled. I held his hand and started to walk.

"It's gonna be alright. Even if they don't approve of you, what we have won't change. Techno and Phil are much more reasonable then Tommy and Wilbur." he walked with me and we exchanged words for a bit, until we reached the community house where Sapnap and George were. They looked at us with relief.

"Jeez there you are! We thought you guys got eaten by mobs or something!" George scolded us.

"Chill we aren't the type of people who would die THAT easily" Dream reassured him, still holding my hand. Sapnap glanced at our hands and sighed.

"It's weird to know that you two are together now" he said. I'm going to see these two quite alot so might as well get along with them.

"Better get used to it, Sippycup" I smirked and Dream burst out laughing, with George soon joining in.

"S-Sippycup!?" Dream wheezed. Sapnap grunted in annoyance.

"Nicknames are a way of bonding" I defended myself, making them laugh even more. Dream was on the ground wheezing his lungs out.

"I approve of her" George said inbetween laughs. Sapnap started to snicker himself.

"Thank you Gogy, I have a feeling we are going to be great friends"


There you go. I apologize this took so long to come out. But the next chapter will come out tomorrow.

P.S thank you for almost 200 reads <3

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