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Elaine POV

Dream World

"Ellie, listen to me okay?" my mother held onto my shoulders on her knees. I'm bawling my eyes out.

"Protect and love your brother for me and... take care of your father, alright?" she said cupping my face. I squeezed her hand for possibly the last time in my life. She reached down to her neck and took off her necklace. The beautiful amethyst shimmered in the dim lantern light. She then reached to the back of my neck and clipped the piece of jewellery.

"I know I can trust you with this" she smiled at me. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I- I promise" were the last words I said before she was dragged away. I was held back by two guards trying to break free. I couldn't do anything. I just watched her. Kicking and screaming at the guards, they threw me out of the castle and locked the gates.

I watched my past self banging on the giant wooden entrance. How awful that moment was. I witnessed my own mother get taken infront of my eyes. I gripped the purple stone on my cloak and felt the cold gem in my hands. At the time I didn't understand what was happening. And now, I still don't know what happened. I never knew the reason.

The landscape changed. I was in my old room. Next to the bed I slept in for the whole of my childhood. Arguing could be heard from the other side.

I exited my room and entered the hallway towards the living room. It felt like I was walking for five minutes, like the hallway was extending but the fighting got louder and louder, until I saw a door. I reached and grabbed the doorknob. In less than a few seconds a familiar scene laid upon my eyes. My dad and I yelling at each other.

"What happened to the dad I knew. huh?!" young me cried out. Da-Schlatt went dead silent. He looked down.

"What happened to the man who loved his kids so much he would do anything for them?! What happened?!" I repeated. He just stood there unresponsive.

"I used to admire you! I used to dream of being as strong and capable as YOU!" I sniffled. Schlatt's frown turned into an unamused and angry look.

"You'll never be like me, ever" he stated, coldly. That shocked me to the core, but before I could respond I ran away. I remember that day sooo well. The day before disaster. The calm before the storm.

Once again, the setting changed. This time it was the room I had in... Danafor(I will confirm this is a reference to Seven Deadly Sins. Freaking love that anime)

I was stood infront of the mirror. It reflected me in a beautiful dress, hair tied back and a small crown rested atop my head. Otherwise, how I was supposed to look everyday in that hellscape. I put my hand on the cold glass, my reflection doing the same. We connected hands, I could feel her gloved hand resting on the mirror. We interwhined fingers. But before I could say anything, the mirror shattered. The well-dressed little girl stepped closer to me.

"Äřę ýøű hā-ã-æppý ņőw?" the reflection spoke, in a high pitched yet distorted voice. It surprised me, but I remained strong.

"I am. I truly am" I confidently answered. She tilted her head and her clothes started to get dirty and tear apart(not in that way you weirdos).

"Æřë ýøù §-ş-śūre about that?" her voice became clear and so did her clothes. It kept changing between two states. One was her clean and perfect, but the other was worn out and covered in dirt.

"Yes I'm better, I'm stronger" I claimed. In the blink of an eye, the little girl was wearing a wedding dress, specifically the same dress I was wearing on the day I snapped. It played and twirled around in the white gown.

"A beautiful dress isn't it?" she asked, enthusiastically. I was confused but smiled at my younger self's happiness.

"Yes. You look stunning" I encouraged. When I looked around, we were just standing in the middle of a dark void. She grinned, a bit too... strangely.

"I bet you liked wearing it, right?" she asked again. I cringed at the memory.

"Umm, not necessarily" my tone changed. The younger one smiled and stopped dancing, facing me with closed eyes.

"Did you enjoy ķįłľīñğ ţhəm?" the sudden deep and glitched voice sent shiwers down my spine. When I looked at her again, she was splattered with blood, holding a sword, eyes glowing and devilish grin widening.

"Th-I... There wasn't a single moment where I 'enjoyed' killing terrible people. But I didn't regret it either" I remained calm and collected. The bloody figure infront of me approached slowly. I unsheathed my sword and got in a fighting stance.

"Ýœü §ěëm ţø bę şčæŕēđ? Öf ýõųř§ėłf?" she sneered, gripping her sword. Her eyes glowed brighter. The image was terrifying. I couldn't imagine what the people in the castle that day saw.

"Admit it, you're afraid of what you're capable of. You're afraid of becoming me again" she loomed over me. That wasn't exactly what I was afraid of, but that doesn't mean I wasn't scared of what was infront of me.

"I'm not scared of what I can become, I'm scared of... hurting the people I love" I gulped and responded. The figure had a questioning look.

"You aren't worried about them hurting you? You already passed out just because of a mere memory! They could've killed you right then and there, but they probably just chose not to!" she snarled and laughed psychotically. I sheathed my sword and lowered my guard.

"I had bad history with trusting people, but... I know I can trust the people I call my friends and lover" I replied, thinking of my loved ones. Her dress was restored to it's first state and she was completely clean. A smile played on her lips.

"Hmm. Keep that tough look, it won't last long though"


Hello boys girls and my non binary people from all corners of the world. Here is the lore. If you can even call it that. I did a sketch of our main character and put it in the previous chapter. But her young self in a wedding dress is atop of this chapter!

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