A Terrifying Reveal

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He ruined it. He ruined her life. And she will never forget what he made her go through.

The next morning

Blinding lights, was what he woke up to. Sunlight, to be exact. He squinted to avoid it but, quickly remembered what happened the night before. He shot up from his bed and got ready.


"Wilbur, are you awake?" a female voice asked through the door. He knew it was Elaine.

"Yes, please give me a minute" Wilbur replied. Footsteps got lighter as she walked away. She let out a sigh of relief.

Elaine POV

Okay, he sounds alright. That's good.

I went outside and waited at the entrance. I want to discuss about the election. Honestly I don't like the sound of presidency at all, and he should know this.

"Good morning" Speak of the devil here he is. I glanced up at him.

"Good morning to you too" I greeted him back. He smiled warmly.

"Is there a reason you were waiting for me?" he asked me.

"I wanted to talk about the election" I answered. His face darkened. Then he sighed.

"I can tell what you're about to say. But continue" Well, he already knows.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned. He thought about it for a moment.

"I don't want any complications to happen in this country. I know you hate the government. And I understand you most likely aren't going to join, but I just wish for you to not hate me or anyone for this" he explained sadly. I felt bad, although I am glad he is thinking it through.

"Wilbur, even though you are doing something I completely disagree, I could never hate the people I see as my family" I wholeheartedly admitted. He almost shed a tear at my statement,but blinked it away.

"I'm very glad to hear that" he replied and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back. It was nice.

"On the subject of the election, are other people running against you?" I broke away from the hug.

"Right, I'm supposed to inform you of the candidates" he cleared his throat. I hummed in acknowledgment.

"The first one is Quackity. He has recently joined L'manburg and has become quite fond of the idea of drugs" he kept a serious look on his face. I never thought I would hear that sort of sentence.

"The people seem to like him. Especially Tommy and Tubbo" he stopped at that sentence, seemingly waiting for my reaction. Their names caught my attention fully.

"I will have to remember to have a word with this Quackity fellor(I have no idea if this is spelled right)" I answered after a few seconds. He nodded.

"And the next candidate is Fundy" he looked at the ground as he said that. Needless to say, I was shocked. Running against your own dad? That's not very cash money of you, Fundy.

"His running mate is Nikki and Quackity's running mate is George" he continued. George? Since when was he into this politics stuff? And did Dream allow him to potentially become vice president of L'manburg? That's another person I will have a word with.

"That was a lot of surprising information" I simply replied. He sighed deeply.

"I have to go and consult with Tommy about our campaign" he looked towards the entrance of the gate.

"Alright, I'm gonna go meet up with Dream" I excused myself and waved as I walked away. He waved back.

It was a sunny and warm day. I didn't want to take off my cloak, because I don't wish to have unwanted attention. I made my way towards the community house, since I didn't really know where Dream lived. Does he even have a house?

My thoughts were cut short when I spotted something move inbetween the woods. It wasn't any leaves or branches. That looked like a person. An... oddly...familiar person. I just shook it off as a fragment of my imagination.

"Ellie!" I heard a certain raspy voice. I turned around to see Dream running towards me. I smiled and opened my arms for a hug. He hugged and twirled me in the air, making me laugh.

"I missed you" he hugged me tightly. From afar it would look like a couple reuniting after years, but in reality we were separated for a day.

"It's been a day, love" I replied. My accent was a bit of a mixture of british and american, so it's quite hard to say which one I am(as in race).

"It was still long" he pouted. I let out a chuckle. He laughed along with me and put me down. We continued down the path and talked about random things,until we got to the topic of the election.

"Are you okay with George becoming Quackity's vice?" I asked him.

"I mean I don't completely agree with it, but I can't really stop him" he answered. That's rather nice of him.

"I'm not his dad, he can do what he wants" he continued. I nodded.

"By the way, do you know anything about this Quackity fellor that's also a candidate in the election" I remembered. We eventually got to the community house.

"Oh yeah, he's a new member on the server. I think he's a pretty good edition" he explained.

"Do you know where he lives or where he is currently?" I quetioned. He took a moment to think about it.

"I don't actually know where his house is but, he seems to roam around L'manburg mostly" he replied. I need to see who this man is.

"Alright then" I simply replied. We walked around silently until he spoke up.

"Why did you ask about Quackity" it was my turn to to be questioned.

"Wilbur informed me that Tubbo and Tommy have been getting close to him and I just wanted to see what kind of person he was, so I didn't have to worry about the two getting hurt" I explained. He nodded.

"There's also another new member" he pointed out. Another one?

"Well, not really a new member but, someone who is returning by popular demand" he coninued. Now I'm intrigued. When did they come in? And how did I not know about it?

"Who are they" I asked curiously.

"His name is Schlatt"


This is a bit of a sorry for not updating for a while. But the story is about to get juicy. Just stay tuned. ;]

Thank you all for 2.5 k!!! Love to you all!!

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