Horribly Wrong

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"I need to have a little chat with Dream"

Wilbur POV

Yes! It worked. Now all I have to do is wait and see the results.

She quickly dissapeared out of my sight. It is getting rather late. Probably should head back, I thought as I made my way towards L'manberg. Only time will tell if my plan worked.

Elaine POV

I can't believe he would do that. Not even sparing the young ones! That is just cruel.

I quickly got to Sapnap's house and started to look for them. If I know them I know that they usually hang out here. I eventually spotted them at Prime Path. So I ran up to them.

"Dream" I said in a demanding tone. He snapped his head at me and let out a relieved sigh.

"Elaine. You're okay." he smiled. I felt offended.

"You think I was gonna die to some mobs?" I asked him. He shook his head quickly.

"Nono, I was just worried about you" Dream bantered. I rolled my eyes.

"Simp" Sapnap muttered from behind him. George snickered causing Dream to glance at him.

"At least I have someone to simp for" he defended himself. Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"Whatever man" he replied. Then I remembered why I was there.

"Dream, can we talk privately" I said in a serious voice. He noticed immedietely and ushered the two to go away.

I motioned him to follow me as we walked down the path. There was a full moon, shining in the pitch black sky. Soft wind breezing through the air. It was quite the view.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" he asked me. I looked into the distance and nodded.

"Agreed" I led him to the bench that Tubbo and Tommy usually sit on. I sat down and tapped the seat beside me. He also sat down and leaned in a bit closer to me. Even if it was a romantic scene I still had to address the elephant in the room.

"Right the reason I wanted to talk" I started off. He noticeably gulped.

"I didn't wanna talk about this on such a pretty night but, this really needs to be addressed" I told him. He proceeded to rub circles on the back of my hand.

"Alright, I'm ready for it." he answered. My expression saddened.

"I heard from Wilbur that the L'manberg members were severely injured during the war. Specifically the main four" I explained and looked at him. He nodded along, seemingly understanding.

"And from the day I found the gash on Tubbo's arm..." I trailed off, remembering the moment. He pulled me closer, attempting to comfort me.

"I began to contemplate on whether or not you actually changed" I finished. There was a few parts that I left out, but I kept it to myself for now. He let out a sigh.

"I can see why you would think that. I mean I did rain hell on them and instantly changed my behavior when you came" he paused. I buried my head on the crook of his neck. I saw his hand go up to his face and come back down holding his mask. He took it off.

"I really can't explain what overcame me. I was so filled with grief that I took my anger out on them. Eapecially after they declared L'manberg." he explained. I looked up to see him staring at the moon. His emerald green eyes sparkling under the moonlight,  filled with guilt and regret.

"The Dreamsmp is important to me. It's something I created alongside George and Sapnap. Something we built from the ground up." he continued. I kept staring at him, listening carefully. He looked down.

"The feeling of losing you traumatized me. And the fear of losing the smp turned into the fear of losing everything. It broke me to think that could happen" I noticed tears falling on his hoodie. I hugged him tight and told him it was okay.

"So I suppressed the revolution out of fear it could be overthrown. No matter how low of a chance there was, it was never zero." I felt a shard of remorse just hit my heart. He was suffering so much on the inside. He just didn't know how to deal with it.

"But then.., you came" he looked at me. I smiled at him. He hugged me back and we basically cuddled on the bench.

"I of course, didn't recognise you at first, but when I did, it was like all of my worries went away. You were my half" his voice softened. I was in awe of what he just said.

"It was like I found the meaning of love again. I didn't care about the material objects I had. I only cared about the people who were there when I needed them the most. The people who care about me" he finished off and kisses my forehead. I let my guard down. He did change.

"I'm really glad you feel that way. Cause I feel the same about you." I told him. He set the mask down on the other side of me. My doubts went away, but the strange feeling of being overwhelmed didn't.

"As much as I believe you and want to love you again... I think I need some space." I explained. He frowned sadly, but nodded.

"Take as much time as you need. I'll always be here, when you need me."


Hello everyone,sorry that took so long but Im back! And here to deliver more chapters. Also


Last time i checked i was at like 700 now 1K?? Woooooow. It's like I got popular overnight.

In all seriousness thank you for choosing this story to read. I never expected something like this would reach so many people. So I thank each and every one of you.

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