Unfinished Business

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"His name is Schlatt"

Curiosity instantly turned into shock. I really hoped it wasn't who I thought it was. Dream was confused at my reaction as, my eyes went wide.

"You okay?" he asked me. I stuttered and stammered over my words. But I finally got a sentence out.

"Is his first name Jonathan?" I asked him. He contemplated for a moment.

"From what I know, no one knows his first name" he answered. My suspicions were slowly becoming true.

"But his full name is Jschlatt" he continued. I just put two and two together. There's no doubt in my mind anymore. It's too unrealistic to say it was just a coincidence.

"Oh god no, oh FUCK no" I exclaimed quite lately. He was startled.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?" he worriedly asked. I took deep breaths and calmed down. Dream was hugging my shoulder and rubbing circles on the back of my hand. It was fairly comfortable.

"My gosh, please don't be who I think it is" My voice quietened. I really didn't wanna deal with him.

"Shh. It's alright. Whatever problem you have with him, I'm sure we can solve it. Together this time" he comforted me. I smiled and buried my head in his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him. The scent of various flowers, mostly cornflower and dandelions tickled my nose.

"Do you remember the day we went out to the field? Outside the castle walls?" I reminded him.

"Of course. The day you begged me to see the flowers and I eventually agreed" he smiled. I chuckled.

"Remember when I told you the reason I was in the castle in the first place?" my face displayed hatred but also guilt, for an unfamiliar reason.

"Yeah. You talked about your family and how your dad... you know" he answered. The moment was made very awkward because of my question, until I cleared my throat.

"Well, I never told you about who he was, did I?" he was confused at first but put the pieces together. His eyes widened at the realization.

"Schlatt is your DAD?!" he practically screamed. I sighed and muttered a 'yes'. He lowered his head and clenched his fists. He was mad. No he was fuming. I hugged him tightly, not wanting him to do anything rash.

"Calm down, love, it's not worth killing him" I comforted him. His mask was on but, I could tell he was pissed.

"Calm down?! He's the one who hurt you! He abandoned you and cut you out of his life!" he exclaimed, holding back from screaming. We were sitting at the ledge of the rooftop of the community house, so people might be passing by.

"That's true but, think of it this way, if Schlatt didn't do that, we never would've met" I reasoned. He glanced at me and calmed down. I squeezed his hand and he smiled at me.

"It's still wrong though. Just giving up your own flesh and blood like that" he furrowed his eyebrows. I didn't blame him for reacting like this. It is a very wrong thing to do. I would never admit it out loud, but I still had hope that he had a reason. One half wanted to know why, the other half wanted revenge. I was stuck on what to do. Although a question popped in my mind.

"If he really is the Schlatt that I know, why did he hide his real name?" I thought out loud. Dream's face went blank.

"Come to think of it, why did he hide it?" he repeated. We both thought about it for awhile.

"Maybe it was so no one would recognize him? I mean you wouldn't react so kindly to a man who sold his daughter" I thought about that statement. That is a plausible answer. We won't know for sure until we meet him though. Maybe he isn't even the same Schlatt. We haven't confirmed that yet.

"Can you describe what he looks like to me?" I asked. He looked over his shoulder to me.

"Uhhh, slicked back dark hair, dark red eyes, fore some reason always wears a suit, ram horns-" he detailed. That's all I need.

"Yup, it's definitely him" I confirmed and took a breath. He rubbed his eyelids and let out a heavy sigh. I hugged him. 

Hours have passed just talking and discussing like we always used to do. Until the sun went down, making so many beautiful and vibrant colors, splashing the sky with all sorts of different color palettes. A fascinating view. We both laid on each other's arms. 

"I really admire you, y'know?" he said massaging my hand. I smiled like an idiot at that statement. I decided to say something cheesy.

"I always thought happiness started with H, but now I know that it starts with U" I replied. He chuckled cutely. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

"Elaine!" a voice called out for me. I was lost in thought. Floating through what seems to be the endless night sky.

"ELAINE!" an annoying voice who I identified as Tommy's rung through my ears. I sighed and opened my eyes, seeing him at the entrance of the community house while we were on the rooftop ledge. 

"You better have a good reason for interrupting us" I responded, in a warning tone. He had a disgusted face.

"I promise you, I did not want to see this either" he replied. I shot a glare at him and Dream visibly frowned.

"Anyways, Wilbur wanted to invite you guys to watch our and Big Q's campaign" he explained. I stood up and Dream whined at the sudden loss of warmth. 

"I doubt he will go away unless we come with him, love" I whispered to him. He groaned and stood up. We both jumped down and followed the child.

"By the way, I still hate you Dream" he added in. Dream just laughed at him, irritating him.

"Like why would you choose him, out of EVERYONE in the world, Elaine?" he asked. Dream smirked.

"Probably because I'm the best choice"

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