First Encounter

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Dream POV

"Oh Tubbo!" I yelled chasing after him. He really thought he could sneak into our teritory. I could hear him rustling in the leaves from a mile away. These children really need to work on stealth.

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" he yelled back. He really thought we would give him a second chance. What an idiot.

"We told you there would be concequences to trespassers!" I yelled back, closing in on him.

We sprinted until he somehow slipped out of our sight. Dammit. Must've hidden in the bushes. Little rascal.

"What the-Where'd he go?!" Sapnap yelled stopping in his tracks.

"I don't know, he might have hidden somewhere" George replied catching up to us panting inbetween breaths.

"Great guess, slowpoke" Sapnap teased holding back a smile. Then they started to argue. Do those two ever stopped fighting? I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Guys stop your bickering, we need to find him. He can't be far" I looked around the area, as they fell silent. Sapnap scoffed and walked over to me, putting his hands behind his neck.

"Why don't we split up? It's not like he can take any of us on his own." he suggested. Not a bad idea.

"Wouldn't he just call for back-up? I'm sure he's not dumb enough to stay alone" George piped in from behind him. He caught his breath and jogged to our side.

"It's not a bad idea actually. Even if they're grouped up I doubt they would have any armor or weapons concidering the 'law' they made up." I made air quotations around the word law. It was a way of mocking them. They had a rule that anyone within the walls of their 'nation' is not allowed to wear armor. That's Wilbur's way of trying to make his country seem serious. Trying to make and establish rules when he can barely enforce it.

"Well I guess it's settled then, we split up" Sapnap announced, grinning at George. George just rolled his eyes and went towards the woods away from us.

"Scream the codeword if you find him" I reminded him, smiling slightly at the thought of it. He groaned and put his forearms around his head.

"Out of everything you could have made it you choose that" He said in an low tone while walking away. I smirked and kept walking forward, keeping a stable grip on my axe.

"What? It's not like anyone else is gonna use it, so that makes it unique" I like the dumbass moments that we have, even though they don't last long.

"Yeah yeah whatever" his voice went farther and farther until I couldn't hear him.

"Where are you, bee boy?" I hummed in a taunting voice. I knew he wasn't quiet. Probably standing behind a tree. Since he was short he could easily get away. But I'm  not gonna let that happen.

Just as I started to stop and hear my surroundings, I heard a branch snap and a soft 'Shit' beside me. Bingo

"Oh Tubbo~" I chanted as I started to walk over. A head of brown hair darted out from there.

"I've got you now!" I laughed and caught up to him.

Tubbo POV

Shit! He is catching up to me. I ran without thinking where I was going. I briefly looked behind me and he's... gone?

I stopped dead at my tracks and collapsed. That was alot of running. Jesus Christ. I need to go back ASAP.

I took a deep breath and clumsily got up. The second I got up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell back down. Clutching my stomach, a shadow hovered over me. I looked up and saw something I wish was an illusion. Dream

This is bad. Really really bad. Oh no. He glared down at me and sighed.

"Poor little Tubbo. You were a good kid. Too bad you chose the wrong side." He spoke, fake empathy lacing through his voice. Was this it? Is this how I'm going to die? He raised his axe ready to but it didn't strike down.

"Let this be a warning" he coldly stated. Then I felt him grab my collar and pull me up.

"Know that you and your nation are weak. You're nothing, look at you, I could've killed you right here and now, and no one can stop me" he boasted. But in one swift movement something appeared behind Dream. Not something, someone. They held a netherite sword to his throat. Dream was still holding me, but after the edge of the sword grazed his neck, he let me go and I fell down quite harshly. I looked up to see someone who had saved me, and when I did I saw what looked to be an assassin.

A figure with a long dark cloak with purple details and red glowing eyes. I crawled back on instinct. They were positively terrifying.

"Don't touch him"

First chapter pog. Tell me your thoughts on it in the comments down bellow.

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