A face I will never forget

624 28 1

"Probably because I'm the best choice"

Tommy batted an eye at that statement and scoffed.

"Oh please, Wilbur would've been a better choice than-" He stopped himself as Dream sent him a death glare. What is it with Dream and Wilbur?

"Moving on" Tommy covered it up quickly. Dream's face went back to normal. Tommy went on to explain what he and Wilbur were planning to do and mentioned something about making signs and writing Quackity's 'wrongdoings' as Tommy says.

"So you guys are bringing up his past? That's just playing dirty" I told him. He scoffed and continued. Dream and I just mindlessly listened as we neared the L'manburg walls.

"It wasn't fair in the first place and you know it" we heard a voice yelling. That's weird. Must be just politics arguments. I shrugged. Tommy kept dragging us towards the voices.

"Tommy I don't wanna hear some random probably pointless despute and I doubt Dream would want to either" I rubbed my temples.

"It's not pointless! This could determine the win for all we know" he remarked. I rolled my eyes yet, Dream was surprisingly interested. I wonder why.

"Big E, we have your vote right?" he suddenly asked me. I thought about it for a bit.

"I'm not interested in politics" I simlpy answered. He then went on to ramble on about how he and Wilbur's campaign was the best choice and insulting the other parties.

"I know you're one of those anarchists or whatever Techno is, but the least you could do is vote for us" he insisted. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Dream chuckled beside me. A bit after Tommy and me arguing about what anarchy is, Dream's communicator dinged. He pulled it out and read the contents. But his face visibly darkened at the sight of it.

"Is something wrong?" I addressed to him. He put his communicator back in his pocket.

"I gotta go" he replied, voice laced with disgust and anger. I became concerned. Tommy just shrugged it off as normal.

"What's gotten you into a bad mood, Dream, George left you on read for the 8th time hmm?" he teased. I snickered at the joke but quietened down. Dream shot Tommy a glare and sighed.

"I just have something to deal with, it won't be long" he blandly answered and walked away, muttering a 'bye'. That was a rather quick mood change.

"It's not fair to just elect yourself president and you know that!" we heard a voice yell. It was a guy's voice, but it was strangely high-pitched.

"I led the war and founded this country!" I recognised as Wilbur's voice. He sounded rather pissed off. Tommy began to run towards them and I did the same. When we came out of the forest and to the walls of L'manburg, I saw two figures, the owners of the two voices. One of them was of course Wilbur, but the other was shorter than Wilbur, wearing a suit and tie with a pair of sunglasses. He also had a beanie.

"Whatever, you are going to lose anyway" the beanie man stated. Tommy was by Wilbur's side and I slowly approached them. The beanie man jumped and let out a shriek when he saw me. I stood on the other side of Wilbur, gazing at the man.

"Why the fuck are you not getting away from her, she's a wanted killer you know?" he exclaimed. That's when I remembered the bounty on my head.

"No need to be afraid, she's a friend of ours" Wilbur calmly replied. I didn't break my gaze. It was an intense staring contest until Tommy butted in.

"Big Q, I assure you she won't kill you.. I think.." he muttered the last part.

"Tommy, who is this?" I asked in a demanding tone. He visibly tensed at that question.

"Big E, I want you to meet Big Q. My-My mentor" he pulled his confidence and answered. I tilted my head at him. Wilbur sighed.

"His name is Quackity and he is currently running against me and Tommy" he explained. I nodded in understanding.

"Tommy I don't think having him as a mentor is... a good thing" I told him. He let out a dramatic gasp.

"How dare you insult Big Q! He is the only person on this server that isn't a wrongun!" he shouted in his defence. Wilbur chimed in.

"He is litterally a drug dealer Tommy" he rubbed his eyelids. I snapped my head at Tommy.

"Excuse you, what!?" I replied, taken back. Tommy burst out laughing and Quackity joined him.

"That better be a joke or I am banning you from ever having friends-" I threatened but was cut off by someone clearing their throat. We all turned our heads to see who it was, but my eyes widened at who I was seeing. A man with a suit and tie, blood red eyes and... ram horns.

"Did I miss out on something?"


Hello everyone just an update. Sorry this took a very long time to come out. I was having a few issues with my Wattpad.  But now its resolved. I thank you all for 3k views!!!! Litterally this story has been blowing up from what I've seen! Seriously apreesh all the votes and comments!

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