I'll give you a war

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"We're not gonna surrender, Dream"

Wilbur POV

I claimed confidently. We stand for our independence and we stand strong.

"I'm giving your so-called country one last chance." he said throught his gritted teeth. I could tell he was pissed.

"Like we're gonna give up to you, green bitch!" Tommy exclaimed quite loudly. I nudged his shoulder and he quickly shut up.

"It's not even a fight anymore, it's just pathetic" Sapnap ushered. If this keeps up Elaine will surely awake.

"I request to speak quietly." I told them calmly. George and Sapnap looked at each other contemplating something. Dream had visible frustration even though his face was covered.

"Listen here and listen close" Dream muttered, voice rising. This cannot end nicely.

"I wanna see WHITE FLAGS, white flags outside your base BY tomorrow AT dawn or you are DEAD!" I tried to shush him and signal him to quiet but he didn't listen.
Just as he finished we heard something from the main living area of L'manberg. All of us looked over to see the entrance door completely penetrated by an axe and was removed from the frame, sitting a foot infront of the actual building. A figure crept up and removed their axe as they slowly made their was towards us. Shit, it's Elaine.

"What the-" Dream started only to be cut off by her throwing a knife that missed his mask by an inch. She raised her head, eyes glowing red.

"Which one of you dumbasses woke me up" she said in a deep yet raspy voice. Everyone remained silent and shocked as to what just happened. She looked around in anger and gazed at Dream.

"It was you, wasn't it, maskface?" she asked raising her axe. Well he majorly fucked up. Everytime we would wake up Elaine, she would be terribly pissed off and would act rude when she's sleep deprived.

"Yeah, so?" he replied sarcastically. She lowly chucked and fixed her posture.

"You are going to regret every decision you made in your life" she grinned psychotically. Before anything else Tubbo ran up and hugged her from behind.

"Elaine, calm down!" he reasoned. She tried to shake him off, but stopped and sighed.

"Tubbo, let me go I promise I won't kill anyone" she pouted. Tubbo let her go, but held her hand. Sometimes it looks like he's the older brother. I smiled at the little interraction.

"Hello? Is your little brother talk done?" Dream asked still impatient. Elaine was tempted to raise her axe, but Tubbo squeezed her hand and shook his head. Elaine looked at his hand and her eyes widened a bit.

Elaine POV

"Tubbo" I said letting go of his hand. He looked confused but, nodded anyway.

"Yes?" he replied nervously. Is what I'm thinking right? Wilbur looked concerned, while Tommy and Fundy remained silent. I gestured to his wrist.

"Roll up your sleeve." I ordered bluntly. He seemed to be a bit skeptical, but hid his hands.

"W-Why?" he stuttered. No. No way he's- hurting himself right?

"Are you-" I started, but was quickly cut off with him exhaling.

"Nonono, these aren't cutting scars" he explained. As much as I wanna believe him, I can't let go that my own brother could be harming himself.

"Can you roll up your sleeve then, to prove it?" I mumbled, unsure.
He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a bandage covering all of his forearm. It shocked me, as I stood there anger filling my mind.

"Who did this?" I asked, cleanching my fists. He grabbed my hand desperately.

"It's okay, I just got hurt while mining!" he covered up. Tubbo come on. That is the absolute best thing you could come up with? Not that it's okay to lie about your injuries in the first place.

"Even if you hurt yourself with a pickaxe, it would leave a single bruise or wound. Not a full on cut." I explained furiously.

"Tell me, who did this? If it was an accident I won't be mad." I glanced towards the Dream Team. They could be the only viable option. Before Tubbo could answer, I gripped my axe and walked towards them, only to be stopped by Wilbur.

"Calm down, Elaine" he simply said, holding his hand infront of me. Now I'm even more pissed, but tried to keep my cool.

"How am I supposed to calm down, knowing that I couldn't protect my brother from these assholes" I motioned to the Dream Team and they looked quite offended.

"Well it's not our fault your friends built a whole nation on our land!" Goggles said catching me completely off guard. I snapped my head towards him and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Excuse me, what?!" I replied loudly, then looked at Wilbur. He looked as if he could shrink down and die, but still wanted to seem professional. The three of them just looked at each other not knowing what to say.

"So summary, we built a country for the Europian people, to sell drugs to others, but they stopped us from doing that saying that this was 'their land' and now we're on the brink of war because we want to establish independence in our land" he explained. What the holy jesus lord happened while I was gone.

"Bruh, first you had a fox hybrid child with a fish, now you constructed a drug empire?" I answered, rubbing my eyelids. This is just unbelievable. I know he would do something stupid, but not this stupid. I could hear Tommy snickering and Fundy sighing. I glared at the enemy and smirked.

"Well, if this is a war, I wouldn't mind joining"


A new member has joined L'manburg. How will she change the war?

I like chocolate. Nothing more nothing less.

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