Long-awaited Reunion

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"...How pathetic of you Dream"she said in an unamused tone and walked away. All of us were shell-shocked at her remark. What the? I have so many questions. How does she know me-no, why does she know me? An assassin like her would have better things to do then confront us. Either way, it's going to end up with me killing her.

We all stood still for a good minute until Sapnap cleared his throat, catching our attention.

"W-what the HELL just happened?" he asked, breaking the silence. I didn't have any words. What could I say at that moment? Silence fell back. Until George spoke up.

"Okay umm Dream?" he hesitantly called looking at me, his hands in the air (like he just don't care). I was still processing what just happened, but I opened my mouth to speak.

"I-I" I stuttered nervously. Now I'm gonna get bombarded by questions. Most of which, I have no answer to.

"What was THE mistress of massacre doing here?" Sapnap continued making hand gestures. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I...honestly have no idea" I answered my voice fading near the end. I put a hand behind the back of my neck. Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, while George stayed quiet.

"What do you mean you have no idea? She was standing infront of you, sword in hand, murderous intent in her eyes. If you didn't say the codeword, which now is the only exception I'm giving you-" he laughed a bit towards the end and I could hear George chuckling behind me.

"You could have gotten killed or possibly tortured knowing her deeds." he rambled on. It was supposed to be scolding, but it was really hard not to laugh. I guess he heard my snickering, because he huffed in annoyance. I cleared my throat and got serious.

"For your information, I was chasing Tubbo and I cornered him, giving him a warning him, when all of a sudden-sword to my neck" I explained putting emphasis in my words. They seemed to understand and nodded along.

"Then a monotone, cold voice told me to let him go. Realising my current situation, I dropped my axe and let him run away. When he got farther enough they pushed me to the ground and looked down at me" I ranted, the questions in my mind still lingering.

"I couldn't see a clear image of their face, but when they stepped into the sunlight I noticed a certain sparkling gem on their cloak-that was when it hit me,who I was going up against. Then I screamed the codeword and you know the rest." I finished. They just stared at me wide-eyed. George sighed.

"Well whatever reason she's here for, she must have good relations with Tubbo.. enough to kill someone to save him" he reasoned. Sapnap nodded. This was one of the few moments George actually thought things through.

"That actually makes sence. If Tubbo's someone she really does care for, she might be in L'manberg" Sapnap stroke his chin, seemingly thinking.

"If that's the case that could be a very big problem to us" I nodded. She is a very dangerous person. Going up against her alone is a risk we aren't willing to take.

"We still don't know if she's in the war though. It's only speculation right now" I said theoretically. Nothing is confirmed at this point.

"Well anyways,we should probably get back to base and clean your wound, it may get infected" George looked worried. I completely forgot about that.

"You're right. Thats probably gonna leave a scar" Sapnap said examining the cut.

"Well let's go back then. We'll go to L'manberg tomorrow" I replied. We started to walk back in silence. This war is gonna be more interesting than I thought.

M.M POV ( Mistress of Massacre)

I walked away proud of myself. Why is he wearing a mask all of a sudden? Weird. If that is the Tubbo I know he would understand my message. Judging by his reaction he seemed to have understood.

I started to make my over to Punz's tower. And slightly surprisingly, he was right there, looking around. Probably looking for me. I smiled and approached from behind him.

"I'm surprised you actually came here" I said, smiling. He jumped and snapped his head towards me. He looked frightended, but quickly fixed his posture putting a tough face on. You can sense the nervous in him.

"W-Who are you? And why did you want me here?" he asked. I grinned widely. It's him, no doubt. The light brown hair, hazel eyes and... uniform? How did I not notice that before? Nonetheless, he's still the same nervous boy I know and love.

"Wow, don't even recognise your own bloodline? I'm hurt" I put a hand on my chest for dramatic effect. He looked at me, confusion plastered on his face.

"Bloodline? What do you mean?" he asked again. He started to squint his eyes to get a better look at my face. I stepped out of the shadows into his view. He looked even more confused at that.

"How come you look so familiar?" he asked nonchalantly. He didn't change one bit. Same old, oblivious Tubbo. I reached up and slowly pulled my hood back.

"You haven't changed at all have you" I said moving closer to him. He looked surprised and took a few steps back, but suddenly stopped.

"Wait" he said and squinted his eyes again. A second later his eyes widened and he started to tear up, but he blinked them away.

"Waitwaitwait, E-Elaine? Is that you?" he asked voice cracking and fading near the end. I opened my arms and smiled.

"C'mere bud" I held back tears and moments later he crashed into me and started to cry into my shoulder.

"Y-Y-You're a-actual-ly he-re" he said inbetween sobs. I finally found my baby bro.

"Yes, and this time, I'm staying for good"


Well there's a family reunion for ya. I know wholesome, but unfortunately that's gonna change real quick. If ya know what I'm saying~


Also shoutout to drsymanietz for being my first follower and voter. Thank you!

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