"I need you..."

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Panic attack

"...I'll always be here, when you need me"

Wilbur POV

Tommy and Tubbo were rambling about a dream that both of them seemed to have had. From what I could gather, it was about how an elythrian woman was living in the woods nearby. I didn't believe a word they said, but I still kept quiet.

"I'm telling you Wilbur, she was probably one of the nicest people I have ever met" he said, thinking back to the memory.

"Yeah! She also gave us cookies. They were delicious!" Tubbo piped up from beside him. I let out a sigh, knowing this amy go on for awhile. But someone came to my rescue.

"Are you talking about women again?" a voice asked from beside. To no one's surprise it was Elaine. She looks... content. Not a reaction I was expecting.

"Elaine! We were telling Wilbur about this dream where we met this angel named-" Tubbo started,but trailed off. Tommy seemed to be thinking about something.

"What was her name?"Tubbo asked his best friend. They both thought about it for a bit,while we stayed silent.

"It was a fucking plants name wasn't it?" Tommy told him. Tubbo's face suddenly lit up.

"Oh yeah! Umm, Azlie- no, Azura! No that doesn't sound right. Azzy? I don't remember." his voice quietened towards the end. Tommy groaned.

"It was like Az- and some shit man" he responded. Elaine joined in their guessing game.

"The name of a plant that starts with Az" she repeated. The two glanced at her and nodded.

"There is this flower-bush kinda plant called Azalea-" she started but was cut off by Tommy.

"Oh right! Azalea! That was her name! It's a fucking weird name." he exclaimed. Tubbo nodded frantically.

"Yes! She said to call her Liz, remember?" he said. Elaine cleared her throat.

"It's a unique name" she agreed with them. The two went on to explain the dream all over again. I was too tired to hear it again so I excused myself out of the conversation and went to my living area. The small lantern was hanging above my desk, emitting dim light across the room. On my desk was paperwork I had been delaying. It will be done someday, just not today.

Are you planning to give it to her anytime soon?

A thought or rather a voice came to my head. They would pop out of nowhere every once in a while. But this one made me think. I won't give it to her, I can't. Not right now.

Then eliminate the threat

The voice said. What? No. I will not cause any bloodshed.

But it's the only way to make her yours

It won't. It will just drive us apart. Killing isn't the right choice. Not that I have much of a chance at the moment.

But she will be lost forever, and you don't want that do you?

Control your thoughts, William. They are just thoughts. Meaningless thoughts. Meaningless thoughts... that were... getting.. louder. My vision got blurry.

She will never know

She will ignore you

She will forget about you

She will move on without you

She will leave you

"STOP!" I yelled at physically thin air. They are taking over. The voices were getting louder and were pounding against my head. Everything was spinning as I clutched my head. Why won't you stop!?

I was breathing heavily as the weight on my shoulders kept getting heavier and the headache I had was getting worse. It felt like every piece of my mind was falling apart and crumbling before my eyes. It hurts. It hurts... so fucking much.

Then they stopped. Everything stopped. The voices, thoughts and pain. All so suddenly. I was brought back to reality with a... hug from behind. Someone is hugging me.

"It's gonna be alright. I'm here for you"

A voice that sounded like it belonged to an angel spoke to me. I slowly started to calm down and my vision was regained.

"There's nothing to worry about. It's all going to be okay"

I looked around to see I was knelt down infront of my desk. I must've fallen. Then I felt warmth leaving my body. They knelt infront of me. Elaine. Of course. Who else could that angelic voice belong to?

"Are you okay?" she put her hands on my shoulder. I smiled at the amount of care she was putting in to me. How she genuinely wants to help me.

"Yes, I am much better now." I replied, recovering from my former state. I stood up and heard footsteps coming this way quite quickly. Two boys I knew too well had walked through the door.

"Wilbur are you okay?! We heard yelling!" Tommy practically screamed. Tubbo came in a bit later than him, panting.

"Elaine, just dashed over to you, sonic the hedgehog style" he said inbetween pants. Elaine chuckled a bit, but focused her attention back to me.

"I'm alright now. Elaine came to my rescue" I joked. She laughed. The same adorable laugh. God, I have fallen deeper than I thought I did.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" she asked me, worriedly. I shook my head no.

"I think I just need some rest. Maybe stress." I lied. She smiled and nodded, helping me to my bed. I laid down and she put the blanket on me.

"Well don't stress yourself out anymore. We're all here if you need us." she motioned towards the two standing at the doorway.

"I'll try to. With all of you by my side I will always be happy"


Yooo wasgood. A tiny bit of angst. A pinch. To spice things up. And show just how much he's willing to do for her.


Next chapter will be out shortly

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