Did you know?

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Did you know?
Did you know that the beautiful girl down the street her mom died.
Her father consumed by grief and anger.
And now she's alone.
Hides behind her beauty.
Did you know?
That kid everyone made fun of,
The one you would watch get bullied,
His parents died in a car accident,
He cuts his wrist now,
As if painting a picture.
Did you know?
The math teacher you had in the 1st grade,
The funny loving one,
The one every one cherished,
Her son was kidnapped,
They found his body 8 days later,
She's alone now,
Takes comfort from the kids she meets,
But still cries herself to sleep.
Did you know?
The bully you had,
The one that "moved,"
He was kidnapped,
The day his mother was murdered,
His father left grieving and crying,
They found the boy alive but not well,
For when he was returned to his father,
The grief turned to anger,
And now he is a stranger.
Did you know?
Your not alone!
Things may look bleak,
But soon you'll see,
The beauty in everything.
So hold on and wait,
Wait for me,
So I can show you the sea,
The land,
And all its beauty.
Because even if no one notices,
I still see,
The beauty in you,
And the beauty in me.

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