Never again

18 2 0

I need to stop this now before its too late.

I need to close off my heart before I make a mistake.

Its already killing and destroying me.

I need to end this before I break completely.

I don't care if I bottle up my feelings

Or that I might explode.

I'm afraid of letting anyone in.

I might lose them and I'll be alone.

My worst fear might become reality.

I slowly build the wall

The one destroyed by another.

Brick by brick

I'll build it again

Stronger and taller than before.

I won't let anyone in.

Not again.

Not if it means I'll get destroyed from inside and out.

Never again will I suffer by the hands of another.

I'll lock it all away

Never to be seen again.

I'll keep it safe from everyone.

Let no one near.

Forever hidden until even I forget it's there.

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