chapter 20

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I was standing in the middle of a crossroad. There was no one around and no vehicles. My heart started to beat faster. I usually had this dream when I was younger. Well it wasn't a dream but a nightmare and I knew that I was absolutely alone.

"Hello?" I asked but got no answer.

"Well duh, I'm completely alone". I faced palm myself.

I walked up to the road on my right. On the arrow that was pointing down it, the word 'present' was written in bold red letters. I turned around and walked up to the road in front of me. On the arrow it said 'future'. I turned and headed for the road that was on my left. The arrow said 'past'.

"That's weird" I said to myself.

The arrows would usually say mom, dad, Jessy and Lucas. Usually when I venture down anyone of them, there would be a demon waiting for me. Always the same demon, accusing me of killing my brother and if i don't go down any, then my brother's dismantled corps would appear out of the dark and start chanting 'why did you kill me', then he'd shape shift into the demon. Then I'd wake up screaming as the demon would start to choke me.

I turned around and starred at the road I didn't go up to as yet.

"If I have the roads to my past, present and future, what was the other road for?" I wondered aloud.

I walked up to it, wandering, no dredging that the demon or Lucas might walk out of it. But, there wasn't anything on the road nor on the arrow. It was blank.

I slowly stepped away from it.

"Mia?" I heard a male voice call me, but I know who it was. I can recognize that voice anywhere.

I turned around, smiling my face off.


"My Mia."

"Umm, we're here too." Kath said. I then realized that Kath, Jessy, Amanda, Justin, Alley and Saundro were standing at the 'present' crossroad.

Those were the people that I loved dearly. They were the closes persons who really got to know me. I don't even know what I'd do without them.

"Well this is weird." Kath said. I knew she'd say something like that.

"Yeah. I know right." I chuckled.

"My Mia." Saundro said again. 

"Hunky hunk hunk." Alley said with a wink.

Amanda was staring at him with the same expression she had when she just met him.

Justin and Jessy were playing ring-around-the-rossy.

"You're getting soft on us Mia." Kath pouted.

"My Mia." Saundro kept saying.

Suddenly everyone started to get louder, except for Manda. She kept staring at Saundro, but everyone got loud.

Jessy and Justin started to sing ring-around-the-rossy louder, kath kept saying I got soft, Saundro kept saying 'My Mia' and Alley kept saying 'hunky hunk hunk.'

I covered my ears to try to block out the noise. It was disoriented.

Suddenly, mom and Lucas appeared out of no where at the 'past' road. Lucas wasn't a dismantled corps but exactly how I remembered him. Alive and hyperactive.

"Oh Lucas." I whispered.

"Hey sis." He waved.

"My dear baby Mia." Mom said.

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