Chapter 24

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Saundro's POV


"Amanda please don't do this. You're going to lose Mia if you do." I said drowsily.

"There's a 25% chance that I will lose her but there's a 75% chance she'll forgive me. However, sadly for you," she stroke my cheek, "there's a 100% chance you'll lose her which means a 100% chance I'll have my Mia back."

"You're crazy."

So far she hasn't done anything extreme.
She's on top of me and caressing my bear chest and cheek.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked out of frustration from her stubbornness. 

"I'm waiting for the medication to wear off. Its a low dosage so it will wear off soon actually."

That means I can get the hell out of here.

"Oh.… I almost forgot."

She got off of me and ran outside. I decided this was my only chance so I tried to get up, but when I did, my head started to spin and I fell back down on the bed.

Okay, different tactic.

I rolled myself off of the bed and started to crawl. I used the remaining strength in my arms and legs to propel my body forward.

"Oh my." Amanda said, steping back into the room. "We can't have this now can we?" She cocked her head to the side.

She flung something on the bed, walked over me, then bent over and pulled my leg.

"No, let go!" I tried to drag my foot out of her hold but fail. I tried to kick her instead, but of course, failed again.

With a grunt, she started to dragged me towards the bed.

Damn. I feel so useless. Less of a man.

"You're so heavy." She puffed out when she pulled me up and threw me on the bed.

She place her hands on her hip and took some deep breath, trying to calm down her breathing.

"Just stop it Amanda. I won't tell Mia or anyone about this." I tried to get up again but didn't even move one inch. My head felt really fuzzy.

"Ha!" She laughed.

She walked up to me and forcefully pulled my hands over my head. She took up whatever she hand threw on the bed, which apparently were handcuffs, and cuffed my hands to the headboard.

She then pulled my feet apart and took up two more handcuff off the bed. She cuffed one  of my foot on the post on the bottom of the bed and the other on the other post. Without this sweatpants on, I would have been totally and utterly exposed.

"Ohhh… this looks so kinky." She clapped her hands.

"Why do you have handcuffs? To kidnap your friends boyfriends and rape them?"

"Hahaha." She cackled. "My other friends aren't like Mia. Mia cares for me. She balances me out. I can't lose her."

"So you're basically crazy then."

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