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Withering: (verb) is the process of becoming weaker. You can watch the withering of a flower bouquet in water. Over the days and weeks, the blossoms become droopy and faded - dead. 

"George, are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Dream sat beside George on the couch, looking at the brown-eyed Brit with nothing but worry as the older lifted his hand, running it through his hair. Ever since George arrived in America a mere few hours ago, jet lag had been dragging him down, making him even more exhausted than usual. His skin crawled and his head hurt – his eyes seemed overly sensitive as well, and he couldn't even look at his phone to check Twitter without feeling sick.

Taking a shaky breath, he turned to Dream and leaned his head back against the couch. Even though George found out what Dream looked like when he was picked up from the airport, he still couldn't get over the fact he was there – Dream was actually right there. Honestly, at a first glance, Dream wasn't anything George imagined. He was expecting something more – someone spectacular like superman, who's the hidden prince charming – but Dream was just normal, and to George, he was perfect. His soft hair, his perfect green eyes and his faded sunspots scattered across his cheeks. George wasn't looking at Dream, he was looking at Clay.

"I'll be okay, don't worry. Jet lag is just really punching me in the gut right now." George reassured, meeting Dream's eyes. There was a hint of a smile on his lips, but the humour was drowned out by the concern lining his brows. George knew that Dream's concern was justified, and that it was in his nature to try and look after George, especially since George was miles away from home, but he hated that he made Dream worry about him. He didn't want to ruin this trip – he didn't want to be a burden on Dream.

Dream sighed and leaned forward, resting his chin on one hand while the other fiddled with the knitted white and green fan-made blanket that was bundled over George. "Sapnap and Karl are streaming Geo-guesser right now, and I wanted to join a call with them. Do you want to come up to my room and join me, or do you just want to rest for a little while?"

That's right, Sapnap was staying with Karl right now for a Mr Beast video. George couldn't help but smile. He must be having so much fun.

"I'm probably just gonna lie down. It's around four in the morning right now in England, and it's getting late over here as well. I might as well sleep now." He buried his hands into the blanket, and silently thanked the fan out there that had taken the time out of their day to make this for Dream. That kind of kindness and dedication always deserves to be appreciated.

At that, Dream stood awkwardly and shuffled his feet against the floor. "You know you don't have to stay on the couch, George. Sapnap said that you can take his bed while he's gone, and he's changed the sheets and everything – hell, he even cleaned his room for you."

George offered a small smile, but shook his head. "I'm okay over here, and I wouldn't want to intrude on his personal space like that," Dream opened his mouth to counter George, but the older lightly pushed him towards the stairs, which lead to the bedrooms upstairs. "Now go and have fun with Karl and Sapnap, you big goof."

Dream huffed a laugh and stepped away. "Just come to me if you need anything, okay? Don't be shy."

George nodded, and Dream disappeared up the stairs. After a moment, the sound of Dream's bedroom door closing was the last thing George heard for a while. He leaned back further, sliding and laying down on the couch, and was glad that Dream looked after his furniture, because George was in the comfiest position he had ever been in since leaving his bed in Britain all those hours ago.

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