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Dream was sitting on the bathroom floor with George's head in his lap, the other sweaty and drunkenly knocked out. He had been getting sick and throwing up for the past half an hour after drinking way too much, and Dream was just glad that Sapnap had found the bathroom keys and opened the door before George could choke on his own vomit.

An empty bottle of vodka was lying beside him, and the bottle of red wine was scattered across the bathroom floor, smashed to pieces. Sapnap was sweeping the shards up while Karl was fussing with Dream and George, trying to get Dream to drink some water to help calm him down while the older also placed blankets on the floor around George and under his bruised hip, not wanting the other brunette to be uncomfortable or in pain. They knew that George wasn't well, and that it was going to take all night until he got better.

Once Karl was done fretting, he helped Sapnap finish cleaning up and then disappeared for a short while before returning and nestling against Dream's side, his head resting tiredly on the dirty blonde's shoulder while a confused Patches looked around the bathroom from his arms.

After Patches realised where she was and discovered George sprawled limply across Dream, she meowed at the brunette in distress and waddled out of Karl's arms, climbing over Dream and George before jumping to the floor and snuggling into the Brit's chest. Dream could tell that she sniffed around the area near George's mouth before she pulled back, and Dream reached his hand out to nudge her back a little, not wanting the alcohol to have an effect on her and her unborn kittens.

Dream knew that she was only taking comfort in George, but right now wasn't the time. Dream gently wrapped an arm around Karl's shoulders and leaned into his ear, murmuring quietly. "Hey, can you put Patches in her bed? It's late and she needs to sleep, and she probably shouldn't be near George right now. It might stress her out too much."

Karl nodded sluggishly and carefully bundled Patches in his arms, the cat's tail flickering in irritation. He slowly stood, mumbling something that Dream didn't catch under his breath as he reassured Patches, but before he could walk away, Dream reached out and tugged gently at his sweater, gaining his attention.

"Get some sleep too. You look exhausted," Dream murmured, and the other nodded, his head hanging from his neck. "Maybe get Sapnap to cuddle with you. You've been acting touch starved lately." He smirked.

Karl nodded again, a ghost of a smile on his lips, although it seemed half-hearted and sad, and he looked down to his feet, which he shuffled anxiously. Dream couldn't help but notice that he was wearing avocado socks, but he refrained from smiling when he sensed the other's pessimistic mood. He felt like he should reach out – that he should ask what was wrong – but he didn't have the chance to before Karl started speaking, his voice faint.

"I'm sorry for crashing the car. I can pay for the damages if you want." He suggested quietly, and refused to meet Dream's eyes.

Dream reached his hand out and gripped onto the end of Karl's sweater again, tugging it reassuringly. "It's okay, Karl. Sap and I were going to buy a new car anyway, so don't worry about it," he could tell that Karl wasn't convinced, and his heart squeezed, knowing that he was beating himself up inside. "Hey, I mean it. Don't worry about it."

Karl didn't say anything in return, still staring at his feet, and Dream quickly shooed him away, letting go of his grey sweater and sending him on his way, knowing that he was only growing more exhausted by the second.

"Go lay down, Karl, and get Nick to join you. Take it easy tonight, okay?" he soothed, urging the other as he approached the door.

"Okay," he called back, pausing at the door for a moment to glance back at Dream. "Will you and George be okay?"

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