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"I need to speak with you privately for a moment."

Dream was watching George worryingly as Lacy took out his IV, applying a small band-aid to the area the needle left as it started to bleed. The brunette was pale and frowning, and was probably cold, as well, since Dream had to take his hoodie back so he had something to wear, which left George with a thin shirt. George was patient as he watched Lacy work, answering her questions while managing to keep up a lighthearted conversation he was having with Karl, Sapnap bringing the car to the hospital so they had transport home. George and Karl had made amends, and seemed to be acting as if everything was back to normal.

Dream wished it was.

"What would you like to talk to me about?" Dream asked, before finally looking to his side at his doctor, who, unlike the nurse, almost never smiled.

The doctor tilted his head to the side, and took a step back, wanting Dream to follow as he approached the door. "Let's talk outside."

Dream's worry was increasing, and so was his anxiety. He slipped off his bed, having been detached from everything already, and had his arm rewrapped in a new bandage. Once they had taken him off the morphine, the feeling in his arm started to return, and Dream could feel a festering tingling in his fingers as his thoughts overwhelmed his mind. Was something wrong? Why speak in private? Is it something personal about Dream, or was it about George or maybe even Karl and his memory loss? Why so serious?

Dream stopped in front of the doctor, the door to the hospital room closing behind him as he left. He wrung his hands, nervously fiddling with the delicate skin close to his short nails as he made eye contact with the doctor. He stared Dream down, intimidating, but had a soft glint in his eyes. Even though he had the knowledge to either ruin or make someone's life, he had a welcoming aura, persuading Dream to trust him.

Trusting people that easily can be deadly.

The doctor sighed, clearly tired and worked to the bone. "I'm going to make this quick, because I know that you are trying to get out before the storm gets worse," he began, and Dream listened intently, almost in a trance. "As you know, George cannot have any prescription medicine, so he should not continue to take the pills that he was supplied with a few days ago. We only supplied him with enough for those few days he wasn't with us, so he shouldn't have many left, but it would be best if he discontinued taking them now, since they could have a negative mental effect on him if he continues to take them."

Dream nodded, shuffling his feet. "He doesn't have access to them, anyway. I made sure to keep a hold on them so that I could measure out the times he was supposed to take them."

"That's good news, and good thinking," He admired, impressed that Dream was already thinking ahead before he even mentioned anything. He relaxed his stance, slightly slouching his shoulders but still remaining professional-looking, somehow, despite how tired he must be. "As you know, both yourself and George need to come back for a check-up in two weeks so that we can remove both your stitches. If you have any problems or concerns over the next few weeks, don't hesitate to ask. You can call the hospital, and they'll connect your call to me, or Lacy if we're available."

"Okay," Dream shot him a kind, thankful smile, trying to show his gratitude towards the doctor for helping and looking after George. "Thank you for everything. We'll see you in a few weeks."

He grinned, warm and soft as he said his farewell. "See you in a few weeks."

Half an hour later when Dream was about to help George into the car, Sapnap gently pulled at his sleeve, wanting Dream's attention. The action was alike to one of a small child nervously tugging at their parents' pants when they want something, and Dream couldn't help but smile, turning towards him to see if there was something specific he needed.

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