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Eventually, Sapnap ended up leaving Dream and Karl to rest, knowing that they needed more sleep while he himself was fully rested. He made sure to tuck Dream and Karl in so that they wouldn't get cold, and then made his way out of the room. He smiled gently when he closed the door behind him, and kept his head low as he descended the stairs, continuing to grin to himself.

He looked towards the TV once he made his way towards the couch, and frowned when he looked up to see that it was muted, and that the movie was still playing. He took a step back and pivoted, half turning towards the couch as he looked away from the TV, his smile dropping a little as he turned towards where he last left George.

"Did you not like the movie –?" he lifted his gaze to the couch, expecting to see a familiar brunette curled up on the blankets, but his words caught in his throat when he realised that the couch was vacant of any occupants, and quickly lifted his head to scan the room, searching for his missing friend. "George?"

He stepped around the couch and took a quick glance around the kitchen and sighed when he didn't see the troublesome Brit. He turned and called out for him again, this time wandering over to the laundry and downstairs bathroom. He did a complete spin, taking in his surrounding area and allowed his eyes to linger on the muted movie playing for a moment before they drifted to the stairs.

Where the hell was George?

Sapnap knew that the older had a tendency to disappear at the most random times, which were usually before a lore stream or something important, but that was back in Britain before they had even met in real life, and he was starting to get concerned. All in all, he actually didn't know a lot about George and his personal life. Sure, he knew the basics, such as his favourite food and music, and how he was physically most of the time, but other than that, Sapnap barely knew anything about his family or past.

He knew that George had some things that he wanted to keep to himself – and don't get Sapnap wrong, he knew that George was allowed to have his privacy – but he couldn't help but think that George was almost a stranger now that they've met face to face in real life.

Sapnap paused as he climbed the stairs, staring at his feet, and then slowly put one foot in front of the other as he reached the top, his hand resting on the wooden rail of the stairs as his thoughts ran wild.

George was a stranger.

He bit his bottom lip, and he bit it hard. He stopped himself when he thought about splitting his lip, although a small, sick part of his mind thought about biting it hard enough to make it bleed, wondering if it would bring him satisfaction with his inner turmoil. However, he loosened his jaw instead. He knew that thinking that way would only pile and lead to more serious problems, and he already had enough on his plate. Out of all of his closest friends, he was the one that was the most stable mentally, and he needed to continue that streak. He just needed to keep that mask on for a little while longer.

He silently strolled forward towards the bathroom, and poked his head inside as he searched for the brunette. He shook his head to himself when he still couldn't find a certain stranger friend, but at least now there was only one more room that he hadn't checked, but he couldn't help but feel sick as his anxiety swelled.

He slowly stepped towards Dream's room, and hoped that he had missed the brunette somehow, and that he was still downstairs. Dream's room was obviously a hazardous area right now and was unsafe, so it made Sapnap uneasy at the thought of him being inside, while also questioning why he would be inside in the first place.

He rested his hand on the door handle and took a moment to steady himself before saying fuck it to his anxious mind, and swung open the door before he had allowed himself to be prepared. Hell, George probably wasn't even inside, so why did Sapnap have this dreadful sinking feeling in his gut? All he needed to do was quickly look around the room, but his eyes were squeezed shut. What was wrong with him? It was as if an unknown force was telling him not to look.

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