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Mind the warnings in the description. Stay safe <3

It was obvious to see that George didn't think the shower through.

He couldn't stand on his own, and wouldn't be able to support himself in Dream's shower, which meant he would either have to sit on the floor stark naked and wash himself, or get Dream to help, which would be both incredibly embarrassing and uncomfortable. George groaned, and threw himself backwards on Dream's bed, frustrated while Dream scurried around George's suitcase, trying to gather together some of his more comfortable clothes. The younger didn't spare a glance in George's direction, knowing that he was okay and was just thinking, and didn't comment when he heard the ruffle of his blanket move.

George was tired, confused, and just overall fed up with himself. He turned in Dream's bed, pushed his face into his fluffy pillow and sighed, before inhaling. The pillow smelled heavily of Dream's cinnamon hair shampoo and conditioner, and George felt himself smile, relaxing further into Dream's bed, and imagining that the blanket embracing him was actually Dream. The thought made his cheeks flush, and he turned into the pillow, lying flat on his stomach.

George heard Dream's ankles crack as he stood from where he was sitting on the floor, and felt Dream's large hand press against his lower back as he sat down close to George, the bed bouncing slightly from his added weight. George turned his head and peered up at him, most of his face covered by the pillow, and smiled cheekily. Dream snickered at the grin and lied down beside George over the blanket, moving his arm to rest over his shoulder blades and nestling his hand into the brunette's hair. Both he and George chuckled, and Dream pinched some of George's hair between his fingers.

"Ew. Your hair is so oily. You really need to wash it." Dream chuckled, tugging George's hair a little.

George raised a hand and gently hit Dream's chest, a smile on his lips. "Don't pull on my hair like that, you idiot," he forced Dream's hand from his hair, and pushed the other away from him. "And I'll have a shower once I figure out exactly how I can have a shower."

Dream shrugged, thinking, and then flashed George a grin. "I mean, I need a shower too. We can just shower together!"

Dream pounced on George again, and the smaller kicked him away, giggling. "Dream, no! That's so weird!"

They wrestled each other on the bed, the blanket landing on the floor, and George hit Dream in the face with a pillow when he caged George between his arms and legs. They laughed, pretending to be rough with each other, but Dream was cautious of George's stitches in his arm, and had quickly pinned it to the bed to stop him from hurting himself. George didn't notice this, though, and continued to bash the pillow into Dream with his right and non-dominant hand. They continued with their play fight for another few minutes before George gave up, exhausted from constantly trying to push Dream off him, and laid flat on his back, huffing. Dream chuckled and released his arm, falling beside George, and tried to swallow a wheeze at how red George's face was.

Dream sighed, watching George try to catch his breath. "But seriously, George. I think we should just shower together. You'll go first, and I'll wear shorts, so don't worry about anything like that. I won't look at you or anything, and would just be there for you to hold onto so you won't fall. It'll be a one-time thing, and we don't have to talk about it afterwards if you don't want to."

George went silent, his huffs of breath turning into a sigh, and he closed his eyes. "Just don't look past my shoulders, okay?"

Dream nodded, and he poked George's cheek, making the other smirk, but it was a sad smile, one that Dream hated seeing on the other boy. "I won't. Now, let's get you in the shower."

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