
191 12 18

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Self-Harm

Sapnap stood outside Dream's door, a warm toasty on a plate in his hand.

Behind him, Karl was sitting with George on the couch, the Brit fake-sleeping and cuddling with Patches. Karl was finding something to watch on the TV, paying no mind to anyone else around him as he hungrily munched at his own toasty, savouring each and every bit of it. George hadn't even touched his toasty, and Sapnap was disappointed that George didn't want to try some of his food. He knew that it was the brunette's choice over whether or not he wanted to eat, but he was still a little saddened that he didn't even take a single bite.

Sapnap raised his hand and knocked on Dream's door after realising that it was locked and then waited for a response. He frowned when he didn't get one, and then knocked again, this time calling out for Dream in hope of getting him to open the door.

"Dream? It's Nick. Your toasty is ready."

There was a shuffle and then a thud, and then the door unlocked and creaked open only a gap, just enough for Sapnap to see half of Dream's face. He frowned when he saw that Dream's eyes were red and puffy, and it was evident to see that he had been crying.

He took a step towards Dream and pressed one hand against the door, willing it to open. He strolled inside Dream's room, and the older let him, still not uttering a single word as he shuffled back to his messy bed and flopped down on it. Sapnap closed the door behind him, not wanting there to be any prying eyes, and then followed Dream to the bed, sitting down beside where Dream was lying down, stretched out like a cat.

He placed the plate on his lap, and then reached his hand out, patting Dream's stomach encouragingly. "What's up, man?"

Dream didn't answer and instead threw his arm over his eyes, his lips pressed together in a frown. Sapnap sighed and reached over to place the plate on Dream's bedside table just in case he accidentally knocked it. He then laid down on the bed beside Dream, and he stared up at the ceiling while he waited for Dream to speak. Minutes passed, and Dream was yet to make a sound, unsettling Sapnap. Had he fallen asleep?

"I made you a toasty for breakfast," Sapnap went on, hoping to encourage Dream into at least move. "It's the chicken one. You said you liked it last time."

He turned his head to gaze towards Dream, waiting for a response, but he knew that he wasn't going to get one, no matter what he said. Sapnap knew how Dream functions when he's having a depressive episode, and knew that all he could do was comfort him and coax him into doing something. Sometimes if Sapnap doesn't manage to get through to Dream and bring him back, the older would stay in bed for days on end, not streaming or coding, and would rarely join voice calls with other people who were streaming, just so that everyone knew that he was still alive. It wasn't the best way to deal with his emotions, and Sapnap had seen him at his worst, and it's not something that he'd ever want to witness again.

Sapnap continued to talk, knowing he wasn't going to be answered, but he was conscious of the fact that Dream was listening, and wasn't bothered by Sapnap's chatter. After a few minutes into the one-sided conversation, Sapnap sat up and started babbling about Patches, and how she had her appointment in just over half an hour. He started talking about kittens, and how nice it would be to have them in the house, and how they'd be just as chaotic as the feral boys.

Dream continued to listen intently and eventually removed his arm from his eyes, silently watching as his best friend continued to talk his ass off. Sapnap was glad that Dream was showing signs of attentiveness, and started the second step of the process to bring Dream back, and that was checking to make sure that he was okay physically.

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