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8K words? Really hating on past-me for making present-me edit a chapter with over 8 THOUSAND WORDS.


They were halfway through round two before they were disrupted.

George was sitting on top of Dream, tired as he frantically moved his hips, his hands gripped in Dream's. Small tears of pleasure and overstimulation freckled his cheeks as he panted, trying to keep up with the pace he was doing even though he was completely exhausted, and ignored Dream whenever he asked if George wanted him to take over, shaking his head at the taller as he lied down against the pillows on his back.

George's moans had turned into breathless grunts, his eyes screwed shut as he moved on top of Dream, and his hands shook with the pressure George was applying as he used Dream's hands to help push himself up and down. George felt amazing, his whole body alive with energy despite his low stamina, and he huffed lightly, grinning when he heard Dream make a sound of tensed satisfaction, his hold on George's hands tightening. He knew that Dream was close.

He tried moving a little faster, his eyebrows scrunched as he focused on bringing bliss to both Dream and himself, but there was a booming crash and shatter to their left, and George felt Dream roughly grab him and force him down, something sharp cutting into George's cheek while a large dark object barely missed his head and landed across the room with a loud thump, shaking the house.

George yelped, startled, and was suddenly cold, a freezing breeze wafting through his hair as rain quickly pelted into the room. Dream grunted as he held George close, his grip on George causing the other to wince, and threw the blanket protectively over his shaking frame as sat up, jumping out of bed and hastily pulling some pants on, eyes wild and wide.

He leaned over George and carefully cradled the brunette's head with shaking hands, his breathing heavy and hitched, and pulled George towards himself. He forced George's cheek to press against his chest, heaving with panic, and George allowed him and wrapped his arms around Dream in response. He could tell that the other was terrified, and couldn't help but think that it felt nice when he realised that Dream's first instinct was to pull him back from danger and protect him.

But what was he protecting George from?

George's head was fuzzy and there was a sting on his cheek. He tried to pull himself up to see what happened, but Dream firmly prevented him from getting up, the taller alert and attentive to everything around him as he stared at the wall that bared a window.

Well, it used to be a window.

Before George could say anything about the gaping hole in the wall, there was a loud knock at the door and Karl and Sapnap's worried voices filtered into the room, calling out for them in concern. Dream raced over towards the door and unlocked it after he made sure George laid down on the bed, his face wild and crazed as he pointed behind him at the room. He directed their worried gazes to a huge, wet tree branch that had just smashed through Dream's window and a part of the splintered wall, which hadn't been boarded up yet.

"That branch nearly just killed George!" Dream croakily exclaimed, clearly panicked and scared, and George found some strength in his weak body to sit up, covering his skinny frame with the blanket and pressing his hand to his cheek, feeling something warm trickle down his face as Dream continued. "The winds have gotten stronger, and the hurricane is a lot worse than the government said. Do you think it got closer than they expected?"

"Maybe," Sapnap answered as he cautiously stepped into the room, staring at the dangerous branch that luckily didn't cause the floor to cave in. "This is bad."

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