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George ran his hand through Dream's hair, the dirty blonde asleep against his shoulder, a blanket wrapped around the both of them. It was the middle of the day, and George still had the baby against his chest, who was also sleeping and now tied comfortably against him in a shirt, which Karl had made into a make-shift baby sling. Karl had taken up the responsibility of looking after and keeping the kittens protected from the cool winds, but the original humidity and heat of Florida was returning fast, and with the hurricane retreating, the kittens were no longer at risk of being too cold, although dehydration was now a key threat among them all.

Sapnap was the one on the lookout, trying catch sight of any sign of help, but when he turned to the others with a surprised look on his face and a half-terrified half-bewildered smile. He walked over quickly from where he was watching the water on the side of the roof, and pointed to the water, huffing.

"Guys! Oh my God!" his shouts alerted George and Karl and the baby, who had woken up from the sudden loud noise, and George quickly tried to soothe her while Sapnap came closer. Dream remained asleep against his shoulder despite Sapnap talking. "There was an alligator in the water! I swear! It was huge!"

George gazed up at him, brows furrowed while he bounced the baby lightly. "You sure it wasn't a crocodile?"

"George, this is Florida, not Australia!" the other brunette responded, chuckling and looking back to the side of the roof. "Plus, if we were in Australia while there was a bad hurricane, there would be thousands of other animals that we should be worried about. Hell, the birds even attack them over there!"

George giggled at his antics, but wished that Sapnap would be a little quieter. "We get attacked by birds in England, too. All you have to do is head to the beach with some fresh fish and chips and they come swarming."

Sapnap shook his head, still smiling. "Man, you Commonwealth Citizens are freaks."

"Oh, haha," George scoffed sarcastically, grinning. "Democracy rocks."

After a while Sapnap had returned to the edge of the roof, trying to spot some more alligators lurking in the water with Karl now by his side, leaving George with his hands full. The baby was silent once again, but George knew that she was getting really hungry at this point. They didn't have any milk that they could give her, but were worried about her starving to death. They had some baked beans in a can, and maybe if they mashed the beans up so they were really soft, they could feed it to her in small amounts. She was probably just over half a year old, so some mashed food should be safe for her. George just hoped that she wasn't allergic to anything, otherwise she'd be in trouble.

On George's shoulder, Dream's head shifted, and George turned his head to face him, who was starting to wake up after sleeping a while. A whine slipped from Dream's lips as the other moved, leaning more weight onto George, but the brunette didn't mind the extra weight, and allowed Dream to lean against him.

The Brit was worried for Dream. Ever since he caught the baby girl and injured his leg, he hasn't been acting the same, and while that's pretty normal for someone with a broken leg with no pain relief, George was still worried that there was another problem that he didn't know about. Dream had fallen into a mostly dazed, non-verbal state, and had only spared a few head nods and shakes, and some faint reassurances that he was okay. George knew not to question the man too much and was afraid of overwhelming him, but he understood that if Dream needed anything or felt like he needed some kind of assistance, Dream would ask. Before then, all George could do was offer gentle touches and someone to lean on, and that was enough for Dream. There was nothing they could do before getting rescued, so they just had to hope that it would happen – and soon.

"How's your leg?" George murmured against Dream's hair, moving his shoulder back so that his arm hugged Dream's shoulders, the taller boy's head falling under his chin. He spread his fingers across Dream's shoulder blade, using his thumb to massage the area, and rested his cheek over Dream's hair as silence enveloped them, his other hand gently patting the baby's back. "Sapnap spotted an alligator in the water earlier. He and Karl are looking out for some more. That's crazy, right?"

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