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"Please be careful, Nick."

"I'll be fine. I'm good at holding my breath."

Sapnap's fingers fiddled with the strap that was holding his backpack to his shoulder while Dream stared him down, biting his lower lip. George was lingering behind Dream, back pressed against the wall as he watched the two, a silent spectator – like that lonely spider on your bedroom wall.

They were standing at the top of the stairs, the rush of water filling their ears while it raged below. In Sapnap's room, Karl shifted on the bed, probably uncomfortable, and George leaned forward and glanced back inside the room, checking in on the brunette. He released a tired breath when Karl settled down, asleep.

Dream reached forward and clapped a steady hand over Sapnap's shoulder, squeezing slightly before patting the younger on the back, biting his lower lip. "Keep the rope around your waist. Tug on it if you need me to pull you out."

The younger brunette nodded firmly, casting Dream a confident smirk. "Don't worry, brother. I know I can count on you."

Dream mimicked Sapnap's nod, but it was weaker, and he reached down to tug at the faded blue rope tied around Sapnap's waist, making sure that it was secure. "Please look after yourself. Don't be reckless."

Sapnap flashed a toothy grin back at Dream and then to George, who shifted uncomfortably under the gaze, his stomach twisting as Sapnap turned away. "I know."

Dream and George watched silently as Sapnap slowly lowered himself down the steps, and a mere five seconds later he was submerged to his shoulders, the lower half of his body disappearing within the murky water. When Sapnap took a deep breath, George found himself doing the same, and he reached forward to grip Dream's shoulder once Sapnap dove, the dirty blonde slowly releasing the rope that was coiled around his arm.

George leaned heavily against Dream's shoulder, anxious for Sapnap, and Dream tilted his head and pressed a gentle kiss to his temple as he continued to unwind the rope, giggling quietly into George's dark hair. "Breathe, Georgie."

George frowned at his remark, and it took until Dream's palm collided with his back for him to realise what he meant, and he gasped, inhaling shakily once he started to breathe again. Dream chuckled beside him, and rubbed the abused area of George's back, which was definitely turning red against pale skin.

"Ow," George muttered plainly, glancing up at Dream through furrowed brows, who looked down at the water curling near feet, focused. "That hurt, Dream."

Dream hummed with the tilt of his chin, mocking. "Aww, did it? Do you want me to kiss it better?"

George huffed and turned back to the dirty water, pretending that Dream's words didn't cause his face to flush. "Maybe later. Focus on our best friend."

When Karl dislocated his knee close to a week ago, they had spent around a day and a half locked in Sapnap's room, tending to one another and taking a much-deserved mental break, calm. When the power and backup generators had finally cut off on the 1st day, they huddled close together under the blankets, trying to get warm. On the second day, there was a loud bang, and before they knew it, water from the overflowed streets flooded inside.

Dream thinks that another branch had managed to smash through one of the boarded windows, which caused the house to finally flood. It all happened too fast, and they didn't have the foresight or time to grab the supplies that Dream and Sapnap bought when they had taken Patches to the vet some weeks ago.

After some time consoling each other and figuring out what they were going to do, Sapnap volunteered to get the supplies. Dream and George rejected the idea quickly while Karl sat silent, but when the brunette did finally speak up, it was their turn to fall quiet.

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