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Content Warning: panic/anxiety attack, blood, assumed SH

Karl woke up slowly to the sound of harsh rain and winds rattling against the house. He could tell it was close to ten in the evening, and it was dark in the lounge room other than the soft glow from the TV, which had been muted so the noise wouldn't disturb Karl. He could feel Sapnap's weight on top of him, the other being fast asleep, and sighed, glad that his friend was getting some rest, despite the fact that his legs were literally numb from Sapnap lying over them at an odd angle.

Gently, Karl brushed his hand across Sapnap's cheek, smiling softly. "Wake up, Sapnap. You should go to bed."

The younger brunette grunted at being woken up, and blurrily looked up at Karl, sleep still mudded across his expression. Karl giggled quietly and pressed both his palms to his cheeks, forcing the sleepy boy's lips into a squished smile while the other dazed down at him, wanting to bury himself into Karl and doze off like he was moments ago.

"C'mon, Sappy Nappy. Let's get you in bed, yeah?" Karl coxed, his grin causing Sapnap to unconsciously smile.

Sapnap nodded and lazily removed himself from Karl, sliding to his feet and stretching. Karl followed suit, also stretching, and he took Sapnap's hand in his and lead the other brunette up the stairs, quietly passing by Dream's closed door, and entered Sapnap's room.

Sapnap threw himself on his bed, and quickly pulled Karl towards him, wanting more cuddles from the older brunette. Karl giggled again and sat over Sapnap's hips, leaning down so that his hands were on either side of his head. Sapnap closed his eyes and pulled Karl a little closer, a cute yawn slipping from his mouth, and Karl couldn't help but smile down gently at his friend, who was already falling back into a dreamless sleep.

Karl leaned further forward and ghosted a kiss over Sapnap's forehead before sliding off the other brunette. "Get some rest, Sappy."

The older brunette grabbed the blanket and pulled it over Sapnap, not wanting him to get cold, and then silently left the room. Unconsciously, his feet lead him towards Dream's room, and hw felt the need to check in on the younger. Karl hasn't seen Dream since he left for the hospital that morning, so he was anxious to see if he was okay and to check how he was going.

He gently rapped his knuckles against the door, quiet, and then opened it when he didn't hear any reply after a moment. The room was dark, but Karl could still see a faint outline of where everything was, and sighed when he saw Dream resting in his bed, a sleeping Patches curled to his side. Silently, Karl approached the two sleeping figures, and smiled warmly at how adorable they both were. He leaned forward and inspected Dream's face, frowning when he saw dark bags under his eyes, and lightly brushed his fingers against his cheek, his skin paler than usual. His fingertips scraped over something spiky, which Karl quickly realised was Dream's stubble from not shaving for a few days.

Due to him being close, Patches sensed his presence and woke up, looking towards Karl. For a moment, Karl thought that she was going to hiss at him or try to attack him like she did earlier when George passed out, but surprisingly, Patches didn't give Karl her time, and nestled back down against Dream's neck. Karl noticed something tucked safely under Patches furry body, and felt a nameless emotion that felt alike to emptiness when he noticed it was George's shirt. The brunette's smile was long gone, now, and he felt the urge to hug the cat to his chest, but Karl held himself back, not wanting to disturb the cat.

Karl went to turn and join Sapnap back in his bed, but something on Dream's wrist caught his eye, and he reached out, frowning when his fingers brushed on the familiar feeling of bandages. His hand travelled further down Dream's arm, wanting to feel how far the bandage went, but there was a visible flinch from Dream, and he shifted uncomfortably. Karl quickly retracted his hand, his fingertips burning as his thoughts ran a mile a minute. He was worried about the younger boy, and felt anxiety scrunch up his stomach to the point where he thought he was going to double over.

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