~17~ (and so, it begins . . .)

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Dream woke up to a brunette looking down at him, snickering.

At first, he thought it was George, his sleep ridden mind not fully awake, but then another brunette popped into his vision, and Dream thought he was seeing double.

"Aww, they're so cute, Sappy Nappy."

"Don't call me that."

"What the fuck?!" Dream almost jumped out of his skin as he realised who was hovering over him, and he looked up to see not only Sapnap, but Karl, as well, both of them wearing mischievous grins. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Karl shrugged and stretched his arms over his head, keeping his voice low. "Well, you didn't expect me to just let you steal Sapnap away, did you?"

Slowly, Dream shook his head and groaned, tightening his arms around George, who was still fast asleep on his chest. "You could've at least told me you were coming instead of giving me a heart attack."

"Pfft, me? Asking for permission to crash at your place? Never." Karl retorted, smirking in victory.

Dream closed his eyes and then opened them, looking towards Sapnap. "Is this even legal? With COVID restrictions and all?"

Sapnap thought for a second, and then shrugged. "I dunno. It's only illegal if you get caught, am I right?"

"Yep," Karl agreed, nodding encouragingly. He then paused and leaned closer towards Dream's face, examining every feature, every freckle. "Damn, you were right, Sapnap. He is hot."

"Karl!" Dream's face instantly flushed, and he felt the weight on his chest move, disturbed by the sudden yell.

Slowly, George yawned and blinked his eyes open before sitting up, his back to the two other males as he stretched, not noticing their presence. When he was done, he leaned back over Dream and kissed him gently, still half asleep.

"Morning, Dream." He mumbled.


George instantly jumped at the sudden noise behind him, yelping as he spun around and caught a glimpse of Sapnap and Karl before promptly falling off the bed, landing with a dull thud. Dream quickly scrambled to the end of the bed to see if he was okay, but Karl got there before him and sat beside George, laughing wildly as the other groaned, still startled by the other two.

"Hey, George!" Karl exclaimed, and quickly helped the other brunette sit up, smiling wildly. "How're you going? And since when were you gay?"

"Karl!" George was flustered, and playfully hit the other's shoulder, laughing embarrassingly. "How did you get here? When did you get here?"

"Like a minute ago," Karl replied, his voice swallowed by his signature giggles as he quickly wrapped George in a hug, pressing his face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Noticing the younger's mood drop, George picked up his giggles where they left off and quickly returned the embrace, finding that he enjoyed Karl's touch. "It's okay, Karl. I can't believe you're here – I can't believe I'm finally meeting you in person."

Karl pulled back and smiled, winking playfully. "At least I know how to make an entrance. Sapnap said that we probably shouldn't wake you guys up, but it's not like he could control me, anyway," Karl laughed again, and looked up at Dream, who was watching them carefully, worried about George. "You should've seen the look on Dream's face – it was hilarious! And hey! Look! He actually has a face, as well!"

George looked up at Dream, chuckling along with Karl, and saw the redness in his cheeks, the taller obviously embarrassed. Beside him was Sapnap, and George quickly smiled at the other brunette, and Sapnap smiled back.

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