Part Eight

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The Calm before another Storm

June 2024

'A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.'

Proverbs 25:11

"I really would appreciate your advice, Archbishop," Kieran Radcliffe mumbled, finishing his explanation after five rather embarrassing minutes as they walked from Downing Street to Westminster, after enduring the same endless campaign meeting. It was a cool, crisp summer morning and some fresh air suited them both, as Kieran had asked for a private chat.

"I am delighted that you asked...and that you first sought Sebastian's words of wisdom, my boy." Winstanley smiled, putting an encouraging hand on the young man's shoulder. "It is all still a fairly delicate business...since we started to expand outside the community we have found that putting youngsters together is one of the most problematic issues we face, because in protecting our girls we do tend to close them off from contact with you young bucks. That was never really the own preference is that social occasions should provide the meeting grounds and then that the families concerned should approve of any burgeoning young affections unless there is very good reason not to do so in most cases...such as a match already being discussed by the father elsewhere. But I am also convinced that formal parental approval is necessary to stop some disastrous matches taking place in many cases. Marriage is a union, love...or rather a lousy foundation on which to base a commitment which should last a lifetime."

"I do see that, Pastor...and I have to admit that I have never been much of a ladies' man, so I am not at all discouraged to follow a different system...but Miss Ford does not really attend social functions...and my parents are not here..."

"She works...and as a guardian, quite naturally lives a sheltered life with her charges. It is not a question of class you know...I am often accused of being almost Victorian in outlook of course, although I would argue strongly against that, but I am certainly firmly against any resurrection of the old rigid class system within our ranks. I am not a fool, I realise that it is always there in the background somewhere, and that a natural hierarchy always develops in any community or organisation, but we should not let it be a barrier to anyone. Miss Ford is a very impressive young woman from a devout family who has done very well for herself despite her rather humble origins. David and Claire Harrington thought highly of her, Miss Scott...whose opinion I most certainly value in these very fond of her...and her parents are really thoroughly nice people. Not rich, of course...but very nice, pious and very genuine." Winstanley said, almost thinking out loud as they reached Parliament Square whilst doing his best to put his young colleague's concerns at ease. "It would be an excellent match for them, and for Miss Ford herself, but your first move in the circumstances must be to talk to Stuart Ford...then he can make up his own mind and talk to his daughter if he is in favour of the union. That is the best way of things."

"Could you arrange an introduction for me?"

"Of course I can...and you have not talked to Miss Ford?"

"I visit the house regularly as a friend of the family and we often meet each is all very innocent, Pastor. I have never mentioned my intentions."

"I have only one word of caution for you, if I may." Winstanley suggested as they waited for some lights to change. "She has not been prepared for marriage. She has been preparing others and obviously knows what is required, but if you are prepared to be patient, I am sure Mr Ford will be very much in favour of you...and if you were prepared to fund his efforts to prepare his daughter for the match, which would be difficult for him if you did not, I am sure that would play well too."

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