Part Sixteen

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October 2024

'And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.'

Exodus 18:20

"Shush Sister still...or we will both be punished...I only have a minute." Mother Esme cautioned as she removed Caris' muzzle. She had been in some sort of bus or coach for hours, covered and far too scared to move, wondering what her next nightmare would be, but she had never expected to find Mother Esme. She had never expected to see her again after their last nightmare. Not that she could see her, but a nun learned to recognise voices from afar and Caris was stunned to hear her old friend.

"Where are we?" She murmured as they embraced, still consumed by surprise.

"Another new convent...a training facility somewhere in the one has yet told me exactly where so is not important for the likes of us to know Sister."

"Why am I here?" Caris asked, almost not wanting to hear the answer. She loved Esme but her faith was still an irritation; she thought like a nun, and accepted her fate as God's will, as if any God would expect people to suffer for Him like they did.

"Because although my blueprint for the future of our Order was summarily rejected by the Church, people like us are still the best people to train the new intake. Our nursing was first class even if we are accused of indiscipline. I asked for you, and many others like us."

"But Mother..."

"Sister Esme, Sister Caris...I have no particular sway here. I merely control the teaching team, and we must live according to the rules applied by Mother Rosalind, who is I fear a cruel, relentless hellcat, may God forgive me...but we can still help people. I believe that is something worthwhile, Sister Caris...I believe that is our duty. Here, put this back on, they are coming to collect us. We still labour for God, have to believe."

Caris opened her mouth automatically and accepted her silence. She had no choice. Esme had chosen her, or God, perhaps, but she had no expectations. She was used to arriving in a new convent and the routine was familiar. She was stripped out of her habit and put through yet another disinfectant bath, like a sheep dip. Naked, but still muzzled, she was switched into the showers with the others who arrived with her, and then paddled before being allowed to dress and walking to the chapel for prayers. There was no reason for her beating. Everyone was beaten, to welcome them in God's love. She fell to her knees and prayed for forgiveness and mercy. She did not hold out much hope.

'And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.'

Ephesians 6:4

"Are you totally insane?" Natalie Hughes snapped uncharacteristically at her father, who had to admit that it was a possibility and quite understood her reaction to his proposal. Colin Hughes was certainly getting desperate, but he was not exactly sure that qualified him as clinically insane. He just smiled, poured her some more white wine, and decided to try and explain himself more clearly.

"Charles Buckingham and his cronies run a very tight ship. Nothing bad ever leaks out of Britain, because the people involved are very well rewarded and or too bloody frightened to tell anyone, one or the other. Oh and the real victims can't actually speak out anyway because someone keeps all of them gagged and totally dependent on the regime." He reminded her, as if she did not know what was going on in the country they both still called home. His special attention to the hidden details gave him a deep knowledge of the subject, but anyone who watched TV or read the newspapers had at least a basic appreciation of what Reformism was all about, even living in France. On one hand, the Buckingham government was incredibly successful and riding high in the opinion polls, and on the other, for anyone capable of gaining some perspective, something rather frightening was going on. No one could prove it but his clients feared it, and they were putting pressure on him to find out more. They were sick of sensing a problem and not knowing the true scale of it, especially when the British Prime Minister and many of his colleagues started making private visits to Florida.

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