Part Twenty-Five

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'And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.'

Romans 8:28

"Cartwright is no fool...he is offering the people a softer landing...he is giving them a good chance to pull back from the brink, as it were." Peter Munroe suggested as he poured coffee from a flask into plastic mugs. He did not fish, but the Prime Minister enjoyed the peace when they found the time to visit Meadvale. Most of the senior ministers had houses in the village, although it was definitely more of a small town by that stage, and both Munroe and Buckingham owned properties backing onto the River Mead. It was a good chance to talk in private, out in the fresh air, away from the office.

"It is just what I would done in his place," Charles Buckingham agreed, resting his rod on his knees as he took his drink, smiling his thanks.

"Alistair is sure it won't be enough...our majority will be reduced but defeat from our position is more or less impossible."

"I would imagine Brian Strickland's advisors said that sort of thing in 2020 Peter...nothing is really ever impossible."

"The local elections would suggest that we are holding our own, Charles."

"Well we will see in a few months...there is no avoiding the battle."

"Reformism is working Charles...lives are better."

"I know that but do the important people get they know what we are giving them? I am a democrat Peter, you know that...but it takes time to achieve proper change. Proper change involves ingraining something into people, making them stop what they were doing before and putting them on a different road. If we don't finish...if we don't drag everyone across the line...there is a chance that an opposition government could drag us all back into the shadows of the past? I don't want our legacy to be a false hope Peter...I want to finish what we have started."

"Then we had better win that second term."

"Oh I intend to my is our destiny."

'Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.'

Ephesians 4:31

"Colin, you know this line is not secure?"

"Shit Brad, if you took my calls at the office, we could set that up, arsehole." Colin Hughes growled into the microphone and gave the guy the finger. Skype was a wonderful medium for getting your message across without the use of words. "Cut me some slack here, I need your help."

"Colin, I feel for you, but you knew this was top secret..."

"And my daughter and I did not rat on help me."

"Charles Buckingham already told the French to go's no use."

"So you are saying I have to suck it up?"

"She can't do anything directly but we will see what we can do, I promise."

"So you are saying I have to suck it up?"

"Colin, you knew the risks, and we paid for the trip."

"Great Brad, let me know if I can help you again, and I promise, if there is ever anything I can do to you, I will do it and dance on your fucking grave." Colin Hughes snarled as the call disconnected, before closing his eyes. He would never rest until he got Natalie back, and someone was going to pay for what they were doing to her. Someone was going to pay. He tried another number, another CIA guy. He was usually more proactive. He had access to all sorts of things. Including guns.

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