Part Twenty-Eight

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'But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.'

2 Timothy 3:14

Meadvale was still the epicentre of Reformism, but remained largely untouched by election fever. Charles Buckingham had not had time to visit during the hectic campaign, but his re-election was merely a formality and in truth there was a general feeling within the movement at large that victory was also a foregone conclusion. The nerves within Cabinet had not been communicated to the rest of the faithful and the opinion polls could never really be believed since Strickland lost to a surprise landslide. Buckingham arrived back at Broomwaters on the night before polling day just in time to enjoy a late dinner with David Harrington, Paul Craig and Archbishop Winstanley to discuss the future. He certainly did not expect to lose. But he knew that a reduced majority would give the press some more useful ammunition, and Ben Cartwright would represent a meaningful challenge in the House. But they did not talk of majorities, or the difficulties of dealing with Commons committees. The Archbishop gave them an update of how his reorganisations were progressing in some detail and they all talked through Kieran Radcliffe and Peter Munroe's proposals, enthused and rather inspired by some rather good red wine. It was not about politics for Winstanley. Harrington was his right hand man, his link with the politicians, and Craig quite often his conscience, but the good Archbishop still dreamed of a Reformist state. He wanted Charles to tell him when he could have it.

"I do get the second administration problem...the people get tired of the same old faces, the same they try the other lot just for the sake of variety." Charles sighed, sitting back in his chair, talking aloud, comfortable amongst friends. "But Peter and Kieran's plans are so do or die. If we fail...if we can't get a third term...I fear we will be destroyed...I am still more inclined to patience if I am honest..."

"I remember telling Harry the same thing Charles...not so long ago." Michael replied with a sigh of his own, offering him a rueful smile.

"So is there not a halfway house?" David Harrington asked, reaching for the bottle. "To be frank, though...I don't see one?"

"No, I really don't think there is...not this time." Charles admitted, accepting a refill as he speared a baby carrot. "Every step we take from now on upsets the whole damned applecart so it is all or Radcliffe suggests. Before making our final decision we need to see how big the majority is. If we think we have a fair chance for a third term we can take things slowly...perhaps slower...and let the current changes bed in, but if we don't, we will have to move...or we risk ruining our legacy by losing when it is all only half done. I have been persuaded of that much so far."

"Do you have a figure in mind?" Winstanley asked.

"Obviously there is no absolute guarantee, but around fifty and the chances are we lose the next election, seventy five plus and you would bet on us winning. Peter has some interesting constituency boundary changes to implement too, creating some more safe seats out of large Muslim communities, for instance. That will help. But by the end of the year I think we will have to make a final decision, maybe sooner."

"Good," Archbishop Winstanley smiled, raising his glass. "I have just approved plans for our new cathedral in Meadvale with an attached theology college and Priory. I do not want to build a white elephant my friends...if we have to push a lot harder, we have to push harder, in God's name. And I have high hopes of an agreement with the Church of England. Have heart gentlemen and God will show us the way. Never forget that we do His work...this is not about our careers, our successes or failures...we do God's work for His sake."

'The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.'

Proverbs 29:25

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