Part Nineteen

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'And God shall wipe away tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.'

Revelation 21:4

"She is obviously fond of the girls, is perfectly understandable." Peter Munroe sighed, having listened to his friend moaning for over five minutes, offering him the benefit of his greater age and experience. "She was upset, and not herself as a result...and you gave her a reminder of her place in God's love. It happens...I am sure she will soon forget about it once the guardian has settled the girls. It does her credit that she cares so deeply for them, but she forgot both need to learn some patience..."

"She never forgets...Brogan is not the forgiving type." Harry said, reaching again for the decanter.

"Well, you always knew what you were taking on there...she only had a few short months of preparation...but I am sure you are man enough to cope."

"She has a point...the guardian was harsh on Eloise..."

"Get another one, then...but Eloise needs some tough love, as does Brogan sometimes, I am again equally sure. Elizabeth is just the same...I still have to keep my eyes on her, believe me...and even the excellent Miss Ford has caused some concerns. Earning God's love is hard for them at times and it is our duty to help them, Harry. We both accepted that when all this started and we must hold firm to our beliefs and our responsibilities."

"Do you really believe that, Peter?" Harry asked quietly and Peter Munroe looked at him and frowned, not used to any lack of confidence from the younger man, who was not exactly prone to self doubt. Harry Trevor was not the deep, retrospective type. He did not usually second guess himself or express any qualms, so his question needed an honest answer. What had started out as an after dinner moan had turned into something more serious.

"I think I do now, Harry. I am also quite sure I didn't at first...I made a choice for myself then, and more importantly for Claire...based on my career, not my soul...I was never really sure that I had one." Munroe sighed and smiled, reaching out to poor himself another brandy as he spoke. "Charles demanded a commitment to the cause from everyone, as you know, and he was offering what I had always dreamed of...a senior government post with the chance to actually do something important, to make a difference. And I actually did believe that it was important...but I did worry about what I was asking of Claire...I am not a monster and I was not immune from doubts and misgivings. And at that time I am not sure I believed that we could change things so far, so fast back then...but Harry we have, we really have. Not just here or in really is starting to affect everyone everywhere...and Claire has a long time to live in this world, as do Brogan, Eloise and Grace. I think I have been proved right for the wrong reasons...if you see what I mean...but it was still hard, and I am not sure she has forgiven me. But these days I really do believe that we are doing all the right things for the country as a whole. As Charles so often says, in rebalancing things some individuals will always suffer in the short term, for the greater good my friend..."

"My sister, your daughter...our is them that are suffering..."

"They are saved Harry...earlier than most perhaps but others are following fast in their little footsteps. Elizabeth and Brogan could never have worked...we are removing that as option for girls their age. And you know where this is going? We are the few now but that will not always be the case...this is a revolution, not a renaissance...we are changing the order of things and the girls must live in a new world...and be blessed at the top of it. I am not sure they will ever thank us in as many words, but they are privileged...if we are firm with them, it is because we know they can have the best of things. Brogan had much less of a preparation than Elizabeth, and as a result she still has some rough edges. Take my advice and have some patience...get a new guardian if you must, but ask her to smooth her off a little..."

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