Part Twenty-Four

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'Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.'

Ephesians 5:33

Miss Howard settled Lady Trevor, Eloise and Grace in the conservatory after lunch, with little India in her Moses basket, right beside her mother. She removed their muzzles but not their mittens. Eloise and Grace politely thanked the guardian for her kindness, but Lady Trevor just glared at her, as always. Eloise admired her aunt's courage so much, but also her quiet dignity and her persistence. Miss Howard was not the worst guardian she knew by any means and her aunt admitted that at times, but still waged a battle of wills with her, as far as she was able. Not that they could do much, of course. Eloise found her total dependence on Miss Howard the hardest thing of all to take. She did not really do anything for herself. Not even think, anymore. She had accepted her fate. Her parents were gone and her Uncle was adopting her and her sister. Then she would be Eloise Trevor all of a sudden, one of the most eligible maidens in the country, destined for a life spent in God's love.

"It would seem that we are to rest our fingers some more." Brogan almost growled, as the guardian left the room, the door not quite closed behind her. "But hey will soon be Christmas, and we shall all go to Meadvale."

"I think Mr Radcliffe is getting married there, too." Eloise said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"So I understand...I have to admit I am quite fond of Miss Ford, his fiancée. Despite the infuriating nature of her profession, she was always kind to me."

"Oh yes, I heard she was a guardian?" Grace joined in, her voice a little croaky after hours in her muzzle.

"She was indeed, but do not hold it against her, Grace dear."

"Oh not get cross on our account, please." Eloise sighed, and Brogan smiled back at her.

"My dear girl, I was cross long before I even met you, and by now I am sure Miss Howard is used to my little ways."

"She is fond of you, I am sure."

"One gets fond of one's pets, I suppose." Brogan smiled again, using the end of her mitten to tickle India.

"Aunt Brogan, do you love Uncle Harry?" Eloise asked, quite out of the blue.

"Our marriage was arranged, Eloise. Love never came into it, my dear." Brogan responded as honestly as she could, staring down at her baby. Love matches were disparaged within the Reformist bubble. They did not work. Every maiden knew that her marriage would inevitably be arranged, and Eloise and Grace would be no different when their time came.

"But you can grow to love someone, can't you?"

"Sweetheart, your Uncle and I are a very proper modern couple. He knows me very well and I know him better than he knows mustn't let my bad moods unsettle you and you must not think of marriage in terms of love. That is a very old-fashioned notion here these days and perhaps it always was, as so many marriages used to end in divorce."

"We will be married one day."

"Yes you will, but not for a long time."

"Uncle Harry does love us all." Eloise said with surprising certainty. Brogan frowned, but Eloise beamed back at her. Her lessons were working of course. Brogan knew that and she regretted it, but she also realised that it might be easier on Eloise.

"Sometimes I think he does, but his faith is his overwhelming passion, Eloise. His faith in his work...and in God's love."

"Did you meet him before you married?"

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