Part Twenty

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'Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Jesus Christ.'

2 Timothy 1:13

"So, Sir Harry Trevor...have you high jacked the political agenda?" Ian Cheshire asked as the report from the Social Democrat conference ended and the camera cut straight back to the Newsnight studio.

"No, over two elections we have convinced the electorate to vote for something new...and Mr Cartwright and all of his rather desperate colleagues are still not willing to accept the will of the British people. He still thinks he knows best."

"But he has promised not to change anything for a year and to use that time to consult with all parties concerned?"

"Great, because the only people concerned are the British people and we will consult them at the polls in May. Look, this is still old politics...consultations, focus groups, the odd Royal commission...some highly paid lawyers making a lot of headlines by asking other highly paid professional experts what we should do. We asked the people. We will ask them again in the spring and we will abide by what they decide. Most of us are sick and tired of the arrogance of people like Mr Cartwright...he thinks he knows best and that everyone else is wrong. He can't blame us for anything because our policies have worked. Budget deficit down to lower levels than any other country in the world, unemployment down to the lowest recorded percentage of the working population, crime down, education standards up, heath standards up. These are the things that people really care about, not whether a woman feels comfortable boozing in a pub on her own, for goodness sake. So is he the man to vote for to bring back this country's old binge drinking culture? Does he really want to return this country to that state?"

"European ministers are concerned about women's rights in this country though? President Clinton has admitted concern as well...surely a review is sensible?"

"I will not be lectured by left wing Europeans who still want us to give prisoners the vote and accept benefit tourists...their ridiculous human rights legislation was a curse on us all until we finally dismissed it...remember David Cameron struggling to expel a known terrorist sympathiser because his human rights could have been breached? The people of this country were enraged then, and they will not be lectured now. Our French partners banned traditional Muslim dress...they are really very selective about the human rights they care about, aren't they? We proposed a fundamental change to working practises in this country and the electorate supported us. And it is not anti-women to get family men with responsibilities off the dole and into work, is pro-family. Millions of mother's, supported by tax credits that cost us all an awful lot less than unemployment benefits and associated costs, can now all stay at home and fulfil their most important role as full-time mothers and housewives. Yes, it is hard on the generation caught up in this social change, because they were taught to expect a career, as if any government can conjure jobs out of thin air. But we our adjusting our education policies to make young girls leaving school in future value themselves as God's children, and to understand their value to a well-balanced Christian society in the modern age. No one said social change would be easy for everyone, but it is working...that is why Ben Cartwright does not want to change anything...he just wants to buy some time so that he can tinker around the edges to justify his own importance."

"These girls only seem to have value in our society after they have served God in your National Service programme?"

"Once again, Ben Cartwright is out of step with the people. The idea of our young men and women who do not go onto study at university spending three years or so in national service resonates with the people of this country. Our armed forces are a perfect training ground for producing disciplined, skilled young men to come back into the workforce more rounded and mature. I have guaranteed that every young man will come out with a driving licence and a recognised employment skill, and frankly we have already seen what happens when any government leaves entire generations to rot on the dole. These boys are soldiers of sorts, but we are not planning to send them off to war...we still have our regular troops to do that...but they are getting heavily involved in community service, taking the pressure off the other vital services when needed, and adding that bit extra to the country. I can assure you that is a very popular vision with the people that pay your licence fee."

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