Chapter 2 : The Incident and Insecurities

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Chapter 2: The Incident and Insecurities

Molly’s P.O.V

“MOLLY GET YOUR ARSE UP NOW OR WE WILL BE LATE” my manager Puja screams at me.

 “UGHHHH LEAVE ME ALONE I DON’T WANT TO GET UP” I reply pulling my blanket over my head.

“Ok I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this” 

What is she talking ab- OH CRAP! It was too late I was already being kicked out of bed tumbling towards the floor.


“OWWWW” I scream clutching my right wrist

“Molly come on”

“No I’m serious Puja my wrist really hurts” I said trying to hold back the tears.

“OH MY GOD MOLLY IM SOO SORRY…. Umm go change and I will take you to the hospital ok? OK.” Puja said panicking 

“OK just calm down”

I change into light blue jeans and a cat shirt and we were off.

“What is the meeting for anyways” I asked Puja

“OH you are going to go on tour an-“

“YAY OMG WHEN” I rambled on



“There’s a catch”


“You’re touring with someone”

“Really who”

“I’m not sure”

“Well I guess we will find out later”

Puja just nodded as we pulled up to the hospitals which I’m afraid of.

“You will be fine” Puja whispered in my ear as she hugged me and we went in to the hospital.

                                   1 hour later

Turns I did break my wrist in 2 places so I now have an orange cast on my right wrist for the next 8 weeks and Puja WILL NOT stop apologizing.  Plus I can’t write because I’m right handed and I broke my right wrist.  Right now we are heading to the meeting.

Right now we are in Syco Records walking to Uncle Simon’s office

“Hey Puja”


“Do you really think I am talented??” I ask her staring at the floor down the hallway.  All the sudden Puja stops walking and turns me around to look at her.

“Molly we have been through this many times before.”

“I know” still looking at the ground

“Look at me” and I look at her

“Molly you have a wonderful voice and are a great performer if you weren’t Simon would have never signed you”

“I guess your right” I said with tears streaming down my face and then I feel to arms wrap me in a hug.

“Thank you Puja”

“You’re Welcome Molly” I look up at her and smile.

“Now let’s go see who you are going on tour with”

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