Chapter 13: Radio Interview, New Song, and Tears

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Heyy Loves, 

Before we get started I have been meaning to ask for a few chapters now but.....

I wanted to know if any one wants to make me a new cover cuz I REALLY need one... So if you want to make me a cover just message me and send it to me...

OH and would anyone want to be my new friend cuz I need new friends.... so (I never thought I would ever do this but) WILL ANYONE BE MY NEW FRIEND... you can either message me on here, kik  me at Mollyy_purr

Well anyways, I hope ya'll enjoy chapter 13 so here it is 

OH and to the side is Over Again by you should know...

Here's Chapter 13


Chapter 13: Radio Interview, New Song, and Tears

Niall’s P.O.V

So after our whole group hug we had to go to our interview, which is what we are currently in the middle of.

“So what do you have in store for us on your upcoming tour... What’s the surprise that I'm sure everyone wants to know” The radio interviewer, Debbie, asked.

“Well if anyone listened to the radio interview a few hours ago with Molly Green, you should already know, but if you don't the special surprise is that... WE WILL BE TOURING WITH MOLLY ” Liam started out and then everyone screamed at the end.

“Well that is a surprise”

“Yep” Louis said

“So before we have you guys sing for us I have a question for all you” Debbie said

“Okay” Zayn said

“Who’s single and who’s taken”

“I’m taken by my lovely girlfriend Eleanor” Louis said with a spark in his eye.

“Taken by the beautiful Perrie” Zayn said smiling.

“I’m taken by the wonderful Danielle” Liam said grinning.

“Single and ready to mingle” Harry said smirking.

“Niall, what about you? You have been awfully quite today” Debbie said.

I looked at Liam and he just look back, meaning I was on my own.

“I’m... Umm... single” I stuttered 

“You don't seem so sure” She said looking at me

“It’s just he has been having a rough time in his life right now so he’s been stuttering a lot, even on the most simple questions. Isn’t that right lads.” Liam covered.

3 “yeahs” were heard

“So Niall what’s been going on” She asked 

“Ummmm... just... umm... personal stuff...” I stuttered on purposed but I think I did a pretty good job.

“Ok” she said

“So how about that song” Zayn said changing the awkward topic.

“Yeah, so what will you be singing for us.” She wondered looking at Harry.

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