Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Here is chapter 3 and if it works I added a song that would work with their past. So listen to it its very good. HERE WE GOOOOOO

Chapter 3: The Meeting

Niall’s P.O.V

The lads and I are on our way to Uncle Simon’s office and we are all nervous that we are in trouble for something.

“What is something bad we did” Liam asks

“Well actually nothing except the whole vase indecent but that always happens why they always give us a new vase I will never know” Louis mumbles.

“Well time to find out” I say getting out of the car to head into Syco Records.

I have a feeling something is going to happen

Molly’s P.O.V

We finally made it to Uncle Si’s office.

“Hey Uncle Simon” I screamed opening the door

“Hello Molly” he chuckled.

“So what’s this meeting about?”

“Oh you’ll see” 

What’s that supposed to mean.  Right as I was about to reply I heard a bunch of noise from the hallway

“Right on time” Simon said

“What are you talking about?”

Before he could reply I saw the one person I hoped I would never have to see again……. Niall James Horan.

Niall’s P.O.V

Well we finally made it to Simon’s office and that feeling I had was correct as soon as I looked in the office.  

That’s where I saw her Molly Green the love of my life.


“Um…… uh” Then she ran out of the room. 

Away from us 

Away from Simon and the boys and the thing that hurts the most…

Away from me… 

Molly’s P.O.V

“M-Molly” he said

Ahh Jesus I am going to have a panic attack FYI I get those easily

“Um …… uh” I just ran out of the room with Puja trailing behind me

I finally made it to the bathroom and turned to look at Puja when we were in (she knows about the whole Niall thing)

“Molly” she hesitated 

“I can’t…. I just can’t do this not right now “I mumbled while pacing

“Molly you can do this show him you are over him” she said grabbing my shoulders

“That’s thing though I don’t think I am over him” as I say this I break down crying on my knees.

A.N. I would end it here but I am not because I am just that nice (sometimes)

“Molly… I could tell that by how you react to EVERYTHING and when he walked in.” 

“I just I don’t know if I can trust myself on tour with him”

“I know this Molly, I will be with you at all times if you need me too OR even better bring Allyson with you on tour I can probably work it out with Simon but I may need to explain why is that alright”

“Yeah that’s fine BUT just Simon”

“That’s the spirit Missy “I chuckled at Puja here’s the thing about her she is a GREAT manager she’s all businessy but she can also be an idiot and stupid just like me (but I am definitely NOT businessy)

“NOW WE GO TO NARNIA AKA UNCLE SIMONS OFFICE” I scream grabbing Puja’s arm and dragging her down the hallway with her laughing.

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