Chapter 11: Emotions, Live Interview and Panic Attack, and More Emotions

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Heyy Lovesdecided to update tonight beacuse im going with my mum this weekend and wouldnt have a chance to update tomorrow

Well thats all I hope you enjoy...

Bye Loves,


Chapter 11: Emotions, Live Interview and Panic Attack, and More Emotions

Puja’s P.O.V





Why does it have to always be Molly...

“STOP STANDING AROUND AND GET ME SOME ICE AND A PILLOW” I scream with tear running down my face and everyone starts running and I get Jason to bring her to the couch.  We put a pillow under her head and I hold the ice to her forehead.

“Come on Molly, please” I mumble.

Niall’s P.O.V

Well it turns out our interview is an hour later than we thought, so we are sitting around the tour bus getting ready for Molly’s interview.

Suddenly we hear laughing getting louder and louder on the radio.

“Well hello to you to Molly” Megan, the host, said.

“Hello” Molly said still laughing

“Well tell us all what's so funny” 

“Oh nothing just my mind being… well MY mind”

“Oh, well that makes sense”


“So, before the interview ACTUALLY starts I heard a whole bunch of screaming going on in your dressing room… could you explain.”

“Well as you can see I am pretty much only wearing blue and Puja, my manager, had walked in AFTER I had changed of course, and was like ‘I see you are going with the whole blue scheme today’ and I was like ‘You know it’ and then I TRIED to jump on her back. Keyword there TRIED and we fell to the ground and I was a little surprised because Puja usually has MUCH better balance then that even with her not knowing I was going to jump on her back. The she was screaming at me to get off her because and I quote I was ‘crushing her spleen’ and then I got off and that’s the end of that” Molly explained 

“Very interesting” she said lightly laughing

“Well anyways we have some questions and then we can hear your new song” Megan exclaimed

“Oh did nobody tell you…” 

“What what's wrong?”

“Nothing it’s just that… I will be performing TWO new songs, NOT just one”

“Oh you scared me for a second there”

“I could tell”

“Well anyway… I’m sure everyone has heard that you are going on tour but there was a little surprise, can you finally tell us what that is”

“Well of course… Its… the surprise is… something magically delicious… IM BRINGING LUCKY CHARMS…. No just kidding the surprise is… I will be touring with… ONE DIRECTION” 

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