Sequel type thing?

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So hey y'all, I know it's been awhile but I have had multiple people comment and ask if I'm writing a sequel or that I should do one. So I was talking with Puja (because you know she's my only friend because we are losers) and she was all like "you can just do a series thing" and I was all like lightbulb!

I will be still posting the Louis one from X-Factor that I have talked about and I have another normal one but....

If you guys want I will do a series thing for One Direction, it will work like this,
Towards somewhere in this book I had Louis meet someone at like a café or something so the next book will be based off of them but still have everyone (i.e. Molly and Niall, Puja, and everybody) and then I will have a contest for the other boys girlfriends and towards the end of the Louis one I will do one of the boys will meet that person and then book 3 will be born.

So if you guys would like me to do this please comment tell me this and if I get good feedback I will post another thing IN THIS BOOK about the contest for Zayn, Harry, and Liam's girlfriends.

So I hope you guys are up for the idea but if you aren't that's okay, I'll decide in 2 week based off of response wether or not I will do this series thing.

Let me know,
Love you all

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